[ecoop-info] CFP LA-WASP 2011: Advanced Modularization Techniques

Eduardo Figueiredo figueiredo at dcc.ufmg.br
Fri May 6 00:27:21 CEST 2011



26 September 2011, São Paulo, SP - Brazil

Co-located with the 2nd Brazilian Conference on Software: Theory and
Practice (CBSoft)

Invited Keynote Speaker
Prof. Mehmet Aksit, University of Twente, Netherlands

Important Dates
Submission deadline:          13 June 2011 (23:59 Apia/Samoa Time)
Notification of acceptance:   11 July 2011
Camera-ready copy due:        18 July 2011 (strict deadline)
Workshop:                     26 September 2011

Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD) and other advanced
modularization techniques propose novel modularity abstractions and
mechanisms with the goal of taming concerns that cut across traditional
abstraction boundaries.
The importance of these advanced modularization techniques in the software
engineering community has become evident with the realization of several
workshops, tutorials and ten editions of the International Conference on
Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD). Over the last years, the
software industry has also given more attention to advanced modularization
techniques. For instance, many available software products, such as the
JBoss application server and the Spring integration framework, have
adopted the use of aspect-oriented concepts to address crosscutting
concerns (persistence, security, dynamic adaptation) encountered in the
development of server-side applications.
The Fifth Latin-American Workshop on Aspect-Oriented Software Development
(LA-WASP.11) aims at bringing together the Latin-American and
international research communities interested in topics related to
advanced modularization techniques to share and discuss ideas, strengthen
research group collaborations and identify new research opportunities. In
this year we are extending the scope of LA-WASP to other advanced
modularization techniques beyond aspects, such as feature-oriented
programming and software product lines.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

- Requirements Engineering (Early Aspects)
- Software Architectures, Product Lines and Frameworks
- Modular Reasoning
- Traceability
- Analysis, Design or Architectural Patterns
- Design of Aspect-Oriented Languages
- UML and Model-Driven Development
- General-Purpose and Domain Specific Aspect Languages
- Feature Orientation
- Generative Programming
- Software Processes
- Reuse, Maintenance and Adaptability
- Software Verification, Validation and Testing
- Software Re-engineering and Refactoring
- Contracts, Components and Aspects
- Aspect Mining
- Evolution and Reverse Engineering
- Domain Engineering
- Crosscutting Program Views
- Interference and Composition of Aspects
- Dynamic Configuration
- Computational Reflection and Metaprogramming
- Middleware, services and networking
- Pervasive Computing
- Performance Improvement
- Formal Methods
- Development Methods
- Development Environments and Tools
- Industrial Applications of AOSD
- Practical studies involving AOSD
- Metrics and Assessment
- Comparative Studies Between AOSD and other Development Paradigms
- AOSD in Education

Workshop Format
LA-WASP.11 is a one-day workshop and will be strongly focused on
discussion. The workshop program includes an invited talk, technical paper
presentations, poster exhibitions and thematic group discussions.

Submission Guidelines
The workshop will accept both technical papers (up to 6 A4 pages) and
posters (up to 2 A4 pages). Submissions in English are strongly
encouraged, although papers/posters can also be written in Portuguese or
Spanish. Submitted papers must be unpublished and should not be under
review elsewhere. The acceptance of a paper implies that at least one of
its authors will register for the workshop to present it. All submissions
must be in PDF format, and must follow the IEEE conference proceedings
All papers must be submitted using the JEMS conference system
(https://submissoes.sbc.org.br/), up to 23:59 of the informed deadline
(Apia/Samoa time).
The workshop proceedings will be published in the CBSoft'11 CD-ROM.

Best Paper Award
This year, we will award the best workshop paper. Additionally we will
invite authors of best papers to submit an extended version to a journal.
We are currently negotiating with the Journal of Universal Computer
Science (JUCS) and the Revista de Informática Teórica e Aplicada (RITA).

Workshop Co-Chairs
Valter Camargo (UFSCar, Brazil)
Eduardo Figueiredo (UFMG, Brazil)

Organizing Committee
Fabiano Ferrari (UFSCar)
Francisco Dantas (PUC-Rio)
Rodrigo Bonifácio (UnB)
Rohit Gheyi (UFCG)

Program Committee (To be confirmed)
Alessandro Garcia (PUC-Rio, Brazil)
Ana Moreira (UNL, Portugal)
Carla Silva (UFPE, Brazil)
Christina Chavez (UFBA, Brazil)
Claudio Sant'Anna (UFBA, Brazil)
Dominik Stein (Universitat Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
Eduardo Figueiredo (UFMG, Brazil)
Eduardo Piveta (Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Brazil)
Fabiano Ferrari (ICMC-USP, Brazil)
Fernando Castor (UFPE, Brazil)
Francisco Dantas de Medeiros Neto (UERN/PUC-Rio, Brasil)
Heitor Augusto Xavier Costa (UFLA, Brasil)
Johan Fabry (University of Chile, Chile)
Jose Maria Conejero (University of Extremadura, Spain)
Jose Carlos Maldonado (USP - Sao Carlos, Brazil)
Lyrene Fernandes (UERN, Brazil)
Marcelo de Almeida Maia (UFU, Brazil)
Marco Tulio Valente (PUC-MG, Brazil)
Mariza Bigonha (UFMg, Brazil)
Nelio Cacho (UFRN, Brasil)
Otávio Lemos (UNIFESP, Brasil)
Paulo Borba (UFPE, Brazil)
Paulo Cesar Masiero (USP - Sao Carlos, Brazil)
Phil Greenwood (Lancaster University, UK)
Ricardo Choren (IME-RJ, Brazil)
Roberta Coelho (UFRN, Brazil)
Roberto Bigonha (UFMG, Brazil)
Rohit Gheyi UFCG (Brasil)
Rodrigo Bonifácio de Almeida  (UnB, Brasil
Rosangela Penteado (UFSCar, Brazil)
Sergio Soares (UFRPE, Brazil)
Stefan Hanenberg (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
Thais Vasconcelos Batista  (UFRN, Brazil)
Uirá Kulesza (UFRN, Brazil)
Valter Camargo (UFSCar, Brazil)
Vander Alves (UNB, Brazil)

Eduardo Figueiredo (PhD) - Lecturer
Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG)

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