[ecoop-info] Call for Papers: PDCAT 2011, October 20-22, 2011, Gwangju, Korea

Jung-Sik Cho mfgcho at gmail.com
Mon May 23 17:39:31 CEST 2011

[PDCAT-11 Call for Papers] 



         The 12th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed

                Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT-11)

                      20-22 October, 2011, Gwangju, Korea





  Conference Proceeding Published by IEEE Press and will be included in the
IEEE Xplorer(indexed in EI)




** Important Notices **


[Important Date]

Submission Deadline:  10, June, 2011



All accepted papers will be included in the conference proceeding published
by IEEE Press 

and will be included in the IEEE Xplorer.


[Special Issues]

All accepted and presented papers in PDCAT 2011, after further revisions, 

will be published in the special issues of the following international

- Journal of Internet Technology (JIT), Taiwan Academic Network, MoE (SCIE)

- International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering (IJCSE) -
Inderscience (SCOPUS Index) 

- Human-Centric and Information Sciences (HCIS), Springer

- JoC , FTRA Publising 

- IJITCC , InderScience.

- Journal of Information Processing Systems (JIPS) , KIPS (KCIE) 








The International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing,
Applications and Technologies (PDCAT) is a major forum for scientists,
engineers, and practitioners throughout the world to present the latest
research, results, ideas, developments and applications in all areas of
parallel and distributed computing. 

Following PDCAT’00 in Hong Kong, PDCAT’01 in Taipei, PDCAT’02 in
Kanazawa, Japan, PDCAT’03 in Chengdu, China, PDCAT’04 in Singapore,
PDCAT’05 in Dalian, China! , PDCAT’06 in Taipei, Taiwan, PDCAT’07 in
Adelaide, Australia, PDCAT’08 in Dunedin, New Zealand, PDCAT’09 in
Hiroshima, Japan, PDCAT’10 in Wuhan, China, PDCAT’11 will be held in
Gwangju, Korea. 






The conference includes, but is not limited to, the areas listed below:


Track 1. Networking and Architectures


- Interconnection networks 

- Parallel/distributed architectures 

- Heterogeneous and multimedia Systems 

- ATM networks 

- Reliability, and fault-tolerance 

- Ubiquitous computing systems 

- Computer networks 

- Communication and telecommunication 

- Wireless networks and mobile computing 

- Optical networks 

- Cloud/Grid computing systems 

- Reconfigurable architecture 




Track 2. Software Systems and Technologies


- Formal methods and programming languages 

- Internet computing 

- Image processing and computer vision 

- Agent technologies 

- Operating systems 

- Software tools and environments 

- Parallelizing compilers 

- Web services 

- Component-based and Technology 

- Simulation and Visualization 




Track 3. Algorithms and Applications


- Parallel/distributed algorithms 

- Task mapping and job scheduling 

- Distributed data and knowledge based systems 

- Image processing and computer graphics 

- High-performance scientific computing 

- Reconfigurable high-performance computing 

- Resource allocation and management 

- Network routing and communication algorithms 

- Bioinformatics 

- Database applications and data mining 

- Intelligent computing and neural networks 




Track 4. Security and Privacy


- Access control and authorization 

- Authentication, biometrics, smartcards 

- Distributed systems security 

- Mobile code and mobile agent security 

- RFID applications 

- Privacy preserving computation 

- Applied cryptography 

- Database security 

- Intrusion detection and survivability 

- P2P & ad hoc networks 

- Security protocols 



  Important Dates


Workshop Proposal: 31, May, 2011

Submission Deadline:  10, June, 2011

Authors Notification:  10, July, 2011

Final Manuscript Due: 1, August, 2011 

Conference: 20-22, October, 2011



Submissions an Proceedings


Every submitted paper will be carefully reviewed by at least three members
of the Program Committee.

All accepted papers will be included in the conference proceeding published
by IEEE Press and will be included in the IEEE Xplorer.


Papers must strictly adhere to page limits as follows. 

- Full Paper: 6 pages (Max 2 extra pages allowed at additional cost) 

- Regular Paper: 4 pages (Max 2 extra pages allowed at additional cost) 

- Poster Paper: 2 pages (FTRA Publishing Proceeding with ISBN) 


Papers exceeding the page limits will be rejected without review.


The Conference Proceedings will be published by IEEE Press (IEEE eXpress
Conference Publishing group) and all papers of the proceedings will be
included in the IEEE Xplorer™ (indexed in EI). 

Please use the IEEE Conference Proceedings format (US letter size,
available for download here: 

IEEE Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings) for submission. IEEE
accepts both Microsoft Word and LaTex format. 

However, FTRA does not accept the use of LaTex. Therefore, you should use
the Microsoft Word instead of using LaTex 

(The paper will be excluded from the proceeding if you use LaTex).


Submission system : http://www.editorialsystem.net/pdcat2011/


All papers accepted and presented in PDCAT-11, after further revisions, 

will be published in the special issues of the following international


- Journal of Internet Technology (JIT), Taiwan Academic Network, MoE (SCIE)

- International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering (IJCSE) -
Inderscience (SCOPUS Index) 

- Human-Centric and Information Sciences (HCIS), Springer

- JoC , FTRA Publising 

- IJITCC , InderScience.

- Journal of Information Processing Systems (JIPS) , KIPS (KCIE) 








=====Steering Chair=====

Hong Shen, University of Adelaide, Australia



=====General Chairs=====

James J. (Jong Hyuk) Park, Seoul National University of Science and
Technology, Korea

Yi Pan, Georgia State University, USA

Mark Baker, The University of Reading, UK



=====Program Chairs=====

Sang-Soo Yeo, Mokwon University, Korea

Binod Vaidya, University of Ottawa, Canada

George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, CYPRUS



=====Workshop Chairs=====

Jongsung Kim, Kyungnam University, Korea

Weigang Wu, Sun Yat-sen University, China

Stephen Jarvis, University of Warwick, UK



=====Publicity Chairs=====

Ching-Hsien Hsu, Chung Hua University, Taiwan

Teruo Matuzawa, JAIST, Japan

Simon See, Nanyang Techology University, Singapore

Julio Sahuquillo, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain

Sang Oh Park, Chungang University, Korea




=====Invited Speakers=====

Hamid R. Arabnia, The University of Georgia, USA

Laurence T. Yang, St. Francis Xavier University, Canada



=====International Advisory Committee=====

Richard P. Brent, Australian National University, Australia

Weimin Zheng, Tsinghua University, China

Koji Nakano, University of Hiroshima, Japan

Han-Chieh Chao, National Ilan University, Taiwan

Young-Sik Jeong, Wonkwang University, Korea

Raj Buyya, University of Melbourne, Australia



=====Local Arrangement Chairs=====

Hang-Bae Chang, Daejin University, Korea

Malrey Lee, ChonBuk National University, Korea



=====Registration / Finance Chair=====

Changhoon Lee, Hanshin University, Korea



=====Web and System management Chair=====

Yang Sun Lee, Chosun University, Korea



=====Program Committee=====








If you have any questions about the CFPs and papers submission, please
email to Prof. Jong Hyuk Park (parkjonghyuk1 at hotmail.com) and Prof. Sang-
Soo Yeo (ssyeo at msn.com). 





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