[ecoop-info] ICSE 2012: 2nd Call for Contributions

Samuel A. Fricker samuel.fricker at bth.se
Wed Oct 5 18:23:35 CEST 2011

                     2nd Call for Contributions

                         I C S E   2 0 1 2

       34th International Conference on Software Engineering

            Sustainable Software for a Sustainable World

                           June 2-9, 2012
                        Zurich, Switzerland


ICSE, the International Conference on Software Engineering, is the premier
software engineering conference, providing a forum for researchers,
practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent
innovations, trends,  experiences and issues in the field of software

The deadline for submitting ICSE 2012 Technical Research papers has passed
-- we received over 400 submissions.

ICSE 2012 now calls for submissions to the following tracks:

  >>>  Software Engineering in Practice (SEIP)
  >>>  Software Engineering Education (SEE)
  >>>  Formal Research Demonstrations
  >>>  Workshop Proposals
  >>>  Tutorial/Technical Briefing Proposals

Deadline: Oct 27, 2011    23:59:59 UTC-11 (firm)

For details, check-out the call for ICSE 2012 contributions at
http://www.ifi.uzh.ch/icse2012/call-for-contributions. The submission
instructions are available at http://www.ifi.uzh.ch/icse2012/how-to-submit

Other upcoming ICSE 2012 deadlines:

Dec  1, 2011
 - New ideas and emerging results (NIER) papers
 - Doctoral symposium submissions

Feb 17, 2012
 - Workshop papers
 - Posters
 - Informal demonstrations


Association for Computing Machinery, Special Interest Group on Software
Engineering (SIGSOFT)
IEEE Computer Society, Technical Council on Software Engineering (TCSE)
Special Interest Group on Software Engineering of the Swiss Informatics
Society (SI-SE)
University of Zurich (UZH)

SUPPORTERS: Hasler Stiftung, HSR, eZurich

DONORS: AdNovum, Zuhlke, Credit Suisse, Siemens, Adesso, Elca, Microsoft


34th International Conference on Software Engineering
ICSE 2012, June 2-9, 2012 in Zurich, Switzerland

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