[ecoop-info] Second CALL FOR PAPERS FM 2012

Announcements of FME events events at fmeurope.org
Wed Jan 18 13:21:22 CET 2012

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August  27 - 31, 2012
CNAM, Paris, France


Submission: March 5th, 2012
Notification: May 7th, 2012
Camera ready: June 4th, 2012


FM 2012 is the eighteenth in a series of symposia organized by Formal
Methods Europe, an independent association whose aim is to stimulate
the use of, and research on, formal methods for software
development. The symposia have been notably successful in bringing
together innovators and practitioners in precise mathematical methods
for software and systems development, industrial users as well as
researchers. Submissions are welcomed in the form of original papers
on research and industrial experience, proposals for workshops and
tutorials, entries for the exhibition of software tools and projects,
and reports on ongoing doctoral work.

The FM 2012 Symposium will be based around the theme Interdisciplinary
Formal Methods

It will have the goal  of highlighting the development and application
of formal methods in connection with  a variety of disciplines such as
medicine,  biology,  human    cognitive modelling, human    automation
interactions  and  aeronautics, among others.   FM  2012  particularly
welcomes   papers    on   techniques,    tools   and  experiences   in
interdisciplinary frameworks, as well as  on experience with practical
applications  of formal methods  in  industrial and research settings,
experimental validation of tools and  methods as well as  construction
and evolution of formal methods tools.

The broad topics of interest for FM 2012 include but are not limited to:

    Interdisciplinary   formal     methods:  techniques,  tools    and
    experiences   demonstrating  formal methods   in interdisciplinary
    frameworks; we  encourage  submissions  involving  formal  methods
    related to maintenance, human automation interaction, human in the
    loop, system engineering, medicine and biology.

    Formal methods in practice: industrial applications of formal
    methods, experience with introducing formal methods in industry,
    tool usage reports, experiments with challenge problems. Authors
    are encouraged to explain how the use of formal methods has
    overcome problems, lead to improvements in design or provided new

    Tools for formal  methods: advances in automated  verification and
    model-checking, integration  of   tools, environments  for  formal
    methods, experimental validation of  tools. Authors are encouraged
    to demonstrate empirically    that  the new  tool   or environment
    advances the state of the art.

    Role  of  formal methods in    software and  systems  engineering:
    development  processes  with formal  methods, usage guidelines for
    formal methods,   method integration. Authors  are  encouraged  to
    demonstrate    that process  innovations  lead  to  qualitative or
    quantitative improvements.

    Theoretical foundations: all aspects of theory related to
    specification, verification, refinement, and static and dynamic
    analysis. Authors are encouraged to explain how their results
    contribute to the solution of practical problems with methods or

    Teaching formal methods:   original  contributions  that   provide
    insight, evaluations  and   suggestions  for  courses  of   action
    regarding the  teaching   of  formal methods, including   teaching
    experiences,   educational resources,  the   integration of formal
    methods  into the curriculum, the  definition  of a formal methods
    body of  knowledge,  etc. Authors are  encouraged to  provide some
    form of evaluation and assessment  of the content and approach  in
    the teaching being reported.


Papers will  be evaluated by at  least three  members of the Programme
Committee. They  should be in   Springer LNCS format and  describe, in
English, original   work  that has  not   been published or  submitted

PDF   versions of  papers should  be  submitted  through  the  FM 2012
EasyChair                          web                           site:

We solicit two categories of papers:

    Regular papers  not exceeding  15  pages  (including  appendices),
    describing fully   developed  work. Authors  of  papers  reporting
    experimental  work  are     strongly encouraged  to make     their
    experimental results  available  for use by reviewers.  Similarly,
    case study papers should describe significant case studies and the
    complete  development  should  be    made available  for  use   by

    Tools papers   of a   maximum   of  4  pages should   describe  an
    operational  tool and its   contributions;  2 additional pages  of
    appendices are  allowed   that   will not  be  included    in  the
    proceedings. Tool papers should explain enhancements made compared
    to  previously published work.  A tool paper  need not present the
    theory behind the tool but can focus more on its features, and how
    it   is used, with  screen  shots  and  examples. Authors of tools
    papers should make their tool available for use by reviewers.


Accepted  papers will be  published  in the Symposium Proceedings,  to
appear in Springer's Lectures Notes in Computer Science.


Submission: March 5th, 2012
Notification: May 7th, 2012
Camera ready: June 4th, 2012


Kamel Barkaoui - Cedric, Cnam Paris
Béatrice Bérard - LIP6, University Pierre et Marie Curie


Dimitra Giannakopoulou, NASA Ames, Research Center,Moffett Field
Dominique Méry, LORIA  & Université Henri Poincaré Nancy 1


Yamine Ait Ameur, IRIT/ENSEEIHT France
Keijiro Araki, Kyushu University, Japan
Jos Baeten, CWI Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Howard Barringer, The University of Manchester, UK
Saddek Bensalem, University Joseph Fourier, France
Bruno Blanchet, LIENS, France
Ahmed Bouajjani, LIAFA, University of Paris 7, France
Patricia Bouyer, LSV, CNRS & ENS Cachan, France
Victor Braberman, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Michael Butler, University of Southampton, UK
Andrew Butterfield, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Ana Cavalcanti, University of York, UK
Krishnendu Chatterjee, Institute of Science and Technology , Austria
Marsha Chechik, University of Toronto, Canada
Yu-Fang Chen, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Leonardo De Moura, Microsoft Research, USA
Dino Distefano, Queen Mary, University of London, UK
Matt Dwyer, University of Nebraska, USA
Bernd Finkbeiner, Saarland University, Germany
John Fitzgerald, Newcastle University, UK
(chair) Dimitra Giannakopoulou, NASA Ames, USA
Stefania Gnesi, ISTI-CNR, Italy
Patrice Godefroid, Microsoft Research, USA
Ganesh Gopalakrishnan, University of Utah, USA
Kim Guldstrand Larsen, Aalborg University, Denmark
Klaus Havelund, JPL, California Institute of Technology, USA
Ian J. Hayes, University of Queensland, Australia
Matthew Hennessy, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Jane Hillston, University of Edinburgh, UK
Bart Jacobs, ICIS, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Claude Jard, ENS Cachan Bretagne, France
Panagiotis Katsaros, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Sarfraz Khurshid, The University of Texas at Austin, USA
Daniel Kroening, Oxford University, UK
Marta Kwiatkowska, Oxford University, UK
Pascale Le Gall, Université d'Evry, France
Rustan Leino, Microsoft Research, USA
Michael Leuschel, University of Düsseldorf, Germany
Zhiming Liu, United Nations University - IIST, Macao
Tom Maibaum, McMaster University, Canada
Rupak Majumdar, Max Planck, Germany
Annabelle Mciver, Macquarie University, Australia
(chair) Dominique Mery, Université Henri Poincaré Nancy 1 & LORIA, France
Cesar Munoz, NASA, USA
Fernando Orejas, UPC, Spain
Isabelle Perseil, Inserm, France
Andre Platzer, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Shengchao Qin, Teesside University, UK
S Ramesh, General Motors R&D, India
Jean-Francois Raskin, ULB, Belgium
Neha Rungta, SGT/NASA Ames, USA
Augusto Sampaio, Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil
Bernhard Schaetz, TU München, Germany
Wolfram Schulte, Microsoft Research, USA
Kaisa Sere, Abo Akademi University, Finland
Bernhard Steffen, TU Dortmund, Germany
Kenji Taguchi, AIST, Japan
Francois Vernadat, LAAS-CNRS INSA, France
Willem Visser, Stellenbosch University, South Africa
Michael Whalen, University of Minnesota, USA
Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers - 292 rue Saint-Martin

This call for papers and additional information about the conference
can be found at http://fm2012.cnam.fr.  For information regarding the
conference you can contact: fm2012 at cnam.fr.

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