[ecoop-info] CfPart: SSBSE 2012 - 4th International Symposium on Search Based Software Engineering

Gordon Fraser fraser at cs.uni-saarland.de
Sat Jul 28 03:01:20 CEST 2012

SSBSE 2012
4th International Symposium on Search Based Software Engineering 
September 28 - 30, 2012 - Riva del Garda, Trento, Italy


We invite you to participate in the upcoming 4th International
Symposium on Search Based Software Engineering (SSBSE 2012) in Riva
del Garda, Italy. With tracks of technical and graduate student
papers, tutorials, keynotes by renowned researchers and panel
discussions, SSBSE is a great venue for undergraduate and graduate
students, faculty members, and industrialists to attend. As a delegate
at SSBSE 2012, you will learn about the theory and practice of search
based methods in a wide variety of areas within the software
engineering field.

SSBSE 2012 is co-located with
* The International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM 2012)
* The 12th IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis
  and Manipulation (SCAM 2012)
* The 14th IEEE International Symposium on Web Systems Evolution (WSE


* Recent Advances in Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization
  Kalyanmoy Deb, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India

* SBSE meets Software Maintenance: Achievements and Open Problems
  Massimiliano Di Penta, University of Sannio, Italy


* High Performance SBSE Using Commodity Graphics Cards
  Simon Poulding, University of York, UK


Full papers:

* Jonathan M. Aitken, Rob Alexander, Tim Kelly and Simon
  Poulding. Evolving Robust Networks for Systems-of-Systems

* Franco Arito, Francisco Chicano and Enrique Alba. On the application
  of SAT solvers to the Test Suite Minimization Problem

* Marcio Barros. Evaluating the Importance of Randomness in
  Search-based Software Engineering

* Gabriele Bavota, Filomena Carnevale, Andrea De Lucia, Massimiliano
  Di Penta and Rocco Oliveto.  Putting the Developer in-the-loop: an
  Interactive GA for Software Re-Modularization

* Neelesh Bhattacharya, Olfat El-Mahi, Etienne Duclos, Giovanni
  Beltrame, Sébastien Le Digabel, Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc and Giuliano
  Antoniol.  Optimizing Threads Schedule Alignments to Expose the
  Interference BugPattern

* Mustafa Bozkurt and Mark Harman.  Optimised Realistic Test Input
  Generation Using Web Services

* Shadi Ghaith and Mel Ó Cinnéide.  Improving Software Security using
  Search-Based Refactoring

* Muhammad Zohaib Iqbal, Andrea Arcuri and Lionel Briand.  Combining
  Search-based and Adaptive Random Testing Strategies for Environment 
  Model-based Testing of Real-time Embedded Systems

* Zdenek Letko, Bohuslav Krena, Tomas Vojnar, Vendula Hruba and Shmuel
  Ur.  Testing of Concurrent Programs Using Genetic Algorithms

* Roberto Erick Lopez-Herrejon, Jose Galindo, David Benavides, Sergio
  Segura and Alexander Egyed.  Reverse Engineering Feature Models With
  Evolutionary Algorithms: An Exploratory Study

* Alan G. Millard, David R. White and John A. Clark.  Searching for
  Pareto-optimal Randomised Algorithms

* Andres J. Ramirez, Erik M. Fredericks, Adam C. Jensen and Betty
  H.C. Cheng.  Automatically RELAXing Goal Models to Cope with

* Abdelilah Sakti, Yann-Gaél Guéhéneuc and Gilles Pesant.  Boosting
  Search Based Testing by using Constraint Based Testing

* Alex Tomasi, Alessandro Marchetto and Chiara Di Francescomarino.
  Domain-driven Optimization of Recovered Business Processes

* Shin Yoo.  Evolving Human Competitive Spectra-Based Fault
  Localisation Techniques

Short Papers:

* Thelma E. Colanzi and Silvia Vergilio.  Applying Search Based
  Optimization to Software Product Line Architectures: Lessons Learned

* Ramin Etemaadi, Michael T.M. Emmerich and Michel R.V. Chaudron.
  Problem-specific Search Operators for Metaheuristic Software
  Architecture Design

* Bogdan Marculescu, Robert Feldt and Richard Torkar.  A Concept for
  an Interactive Search-Based Software Testing System

Graduate Students Track Papers:

* Fitsum Meshesha Kifetew.  A Search-Based Framework for Failure

* Francesco Bolis, Angelo Gargantini, Marco Guarnieri and Eros Magri.
  Evolutionary Testing of PHP Web Applications with WETT

Fast Abstracts:

* Gergő Balogh, Ádám Zoltán Végh and Árpád Beszédes. Prediction of
  Software Development Modification Effort Enhanced by Genetic

* Sebastian Bauersfeld and Tanja Vos. A Reinforcement Learning
  Approach to Automated GUI Robustness Testing.

* Mustafa Bozkurt and Mark Harman. Cost-aware Test Suite Minimisation
  for Service-centric Systems.

* Mathew Hall and Phil McMinn. An Analysis of the Performance of the
  Bunch Modularisation Algorithm’s Hierarchy Generation Approach

* Guanzhou Lu, Jinlong Li and Xin Yao. Embrace the New Trend in SBSE
  with Fitness-Landscape Based Adaptive Evolutionary Algorithm

* Sophia Nobrega, Sergio Ricardo de Souza and Marcone Jamilson Freiast
  Sousa. Development of Software Project Schedule Using Heuristic

* Christopher Simons and James Smith. A Comparison of Evolutionary
  Algorithms and Ant Colony Optimization for Interactive Software

* Jerry Swan, Mark Harman, Gabriela Ochoa and Edmund Burke. Generic
  Software Subgraph Isomorphism

* Benjamin Wilmes. Toward a Tool for Search-Based Testing of
  Simulink/TargetLink Models.


Registration for SSBSE 2012 is now open. Fees are as follows:

    Standard Delegate: EUR 370
    Students: EUR 270

Your registration for SSBSE 2012 covers:

    -- Your attendance for all three days of SSBSE 2012
    -- One copy of the SSBSE proceedings, a Springer LNCS volume
    -- Lunches and coffees for three days of the symposium
    -- Evening dinner at the SSBSE social event 

You can learn more about registering for SSBSE 2012 by visiting:


The early registration deadline is September 8, 2012.


General Chair:
Angelo Susi, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy

Program Chairs:
Gordon Fraser, University of Sheffield, UK
Jerffeson Teixeira de Souza, Universidade Estadual do Ceará, Brazil

Graduate Student Track Chair:
Shin Yoo, University College London, UK

Local chair:
Alessandro Marchetto, Fondazione Bruno Kessler - FBK, Trento, Italy

Matthieu Vergne, Fondazione Bruno Kessler - FBK, Trento, Italy

Organization support from FBK 'Conferences and Events':
Moira Osti, Fondazione Bruno Kessler - FBK, Trento, Italy

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