[ecoop-info] VL/HCC 2012 Call For Papers - The abstract submission deadline is approaching

VL/HCC 2012 Secretariat publicity at vlhcc.org
Thu Mar 1 14:58:47 CET 2012

Apologies for Multiple Copies of this Message

CALL FOR PAPERS - Abstract submission deadline is approaching!!

VL/HCC 2012
IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing
September 30 - October 4, 2012 
Innsbruck, Austria, co-located with MODELS'12



Prof. David Harel and Prof. Alan Blackwell are the VL/HCC 2012 Keynote Speakers.

* Abstract submissions:            9 March 2012
* Paper submissions:              16 March 2012
* Notification of reviews:        25 May 2012
* Rebuttals due:                  29 May 2012
* Notification of final decision:  6 June 2012
* Camera-ready copies due:        29 June 2012

>From the beginning of the computer age, people have sought easier ways
to learn, express, and understand computational ideas. Whether this
meant moving from punch cards to textual languages, or command lines
to graphical UIs, the quest to make computation easier to express,
manipulate, and understand by a broader group of people is an ongoing
challenge. The IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric
Computing (VL/HCC) is the premier international forum for research on
this topic. Established in 1984, the mission of the conference is to
support the design, theory, application, and evaluation of computing
technologies and languages for programming, modeling, and
communicating, which are easier to learn, use, and understand by

We solicit original, unpublished research papers that focus on efforts
to design, formalize, implement, and evaluate computing languages and
development tools that are easier to learn, easier to use, and easier
to understand. This includes languages and tools expressed not only as
text, but through any other means (visual, sketch-based, gesture-based,
or otherwise). This also includes languages and tools intended for a
wide range of audiences, including professional software developers,
novice programmers, or any other people who find a need to
express computational ideas. We also seek papers that address
cognitive, social, cultural, and theoretical aspects of efforts to
lower barriers to computing.

Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Design, evaluation, and theory of visual languages
* End-user development, end-user programming
* Novel user interfaces for expressing computation
* Human aspects of software development
* Debugging and program understanding
* Computer science education
* Software development tools
* Model-driven development
* Domain-specific languages
* Software visualization
* Query languages

We invite two kinds of papers, due March 16, 2012:
* full-length research papers, up to 8 pages
* short research papers, up to 4 pages

All accepted papers, whether full or short, should be complete
archival contributions. The contribution from full papers are more
extensive than those from short papers. Preliminary research should be 
submitted to the Posters category. All submissions will be reviewed 
by members of the Program Committee.

Accepted papers will be distributed at the conference and will
appear in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. In 2011 the conference paper 
format was changed by IEEE, so be sure you are using the new format, 
which is available at:

Moreover, authors of the best papers accepted for the conference will be 
invited to submit revised versions for a special issue of the Journal of 
Visual Languages and Computing.

=== A Note on Evaluations ===
Research papers are expected to support their claims with appropriate
evidence. For example, a paper that claims to improve programmer
productivity is expected to demonstrate improved productivity.
However, not all claims necessarily need to be supported with
empirical evidence or studies with people. A paper that claims to make
something feasible that was clearly infeasible might substantiate its
claim through the existence of a prototype. Moreover, there are many
alternatives to empirical evidence, including analytical methods or
formal arguments. We encourage authors to think carefully about what
claims their submission makes and what evidence would support them.


The Symposium organizes also the following satellite events:
1.  Graduate Consortium (http://vlhcc2012.di.unisa.it/index.php?id=graduate-consortium)
2.  Demos from industrial partners and sponsors
3.  Workshops and tutorials 

General Chair
Gennaro Costagliola · University of Salerno, Italy

Program Co-Chairs
Martin Erwig · Oregon State University, USA
Gem Stapleton · University of Brighton, UK

Workshop & Poster Chairs
Paolo Bottoni · Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Claudia Ermel · Technische Universität Berlin, Germany

Publicity Chair
Vittorio Fuccella · University of Salerno, Italy

Proceedings & Web Chair
Mattia De Rosa · University of Salerno, Italy
Fabrizio Torre · University of Salerno, Italy

Robin Abraham · Microsoft, USA
Robert Biddle · Carlton University, Canada
Paolo Bottoni · Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Margaret Burnett · Oregon State University, USA
Maria Francesca Costabile · University of Bari, Italy
Phil Cox · Dalhousie University, Canada
Allen Cypher · IBM Research Almaden, USA
Juan De Lara · Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain
Robert DeLine · Microsoft Research, USA
Gregor Engels · University of Paderborn, Germany
Claudia Ermel · Technische Universitat Berlin, Germany
Andrew Fish · University of Brighton, UK
Judith Good · University of Sussex, UK
Jeff Gray · University of Alabama, USA
John Grundy · Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
John Hosking · University of Auckland, New Zealand
John Howse · University of Brighton, UK
Christopher Hundhausen · Washington State University, USA
Caitlin Kelleher · Washington University in St. Louis, USA
Andrew J. Ko · University of Washington, USA
Eileen Kraemer · University of Georgia, USA 
James Lin · Google Inc, USA
Mark Minas · Universität der Bundeswehr München, Germany
Emerson Murphy-Hill · North Carolina State University, USA
Brad Myers · Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Ian Oliver · Nokia, Finland
Emmanuel Pietriga · INRIA, France
Alexander Repenning · University of Colorado, USA
Peter Rodgers · University of Kent, UK
Mary Beth Rosson · Pennsylvania State University, USA
Christopher Scaffidi · Oregon State University, USA
Jonathan Sillito · University of Calgary, Canada
Steven Tanimoto · University of Washington, USA
Daniel Varro · Budapest University of Technology & Economics, Hungary
Susan Wiedenbeck · Drexel University, USA

Paolo Bottoni - Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Gennaro Costagliola - Universita di Salerno, Italy
Robert DeLine - Microsoft Research, USA
John Grundy - Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
John Howse - University of Brighton, UK
Andrew Ko, University of Washington, USA
Mark Minas - Universitaet der Bundeswehr Muenchen, Germany
Brad Myers - Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Emmanuel Pietriga - INRIA, France



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