[ecoop-info] Call for submissions: SLE 2012. Main track, poster track, doctoral symposium

Görel Hedin gorel at cs.lth.se
Sat May 5 15:46:43 CEST 2012

CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: Main track, poster track, doctoral symposium

SLE 2012: The 5th International Conference on Software Language Engineering
Dresden, Sep 25-28, 2012.
General chair: Uwe Assmann

The program will include invited talks, main track, poster track, minitutorials, and a doctoral symposium. Collocated events include GPCE 2012, FOSD 2012, and ITSLE 2012.

The 5th International Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE) is devoted to topics related to artificial languages in software engineering. SLE encourages communication among communities that have traditionally looked at software languages from different and yet complementary perspectives. Of particular relevance to SLE are technologies, methods, experiments, and case studies on software languages from modelware, grammarware and ontologyware perspectives.

Co-chairs: Krzysztof Czarnecki and Görel Hedin
Research papers, industrial experience papers, tool demo papers.
Postproceedings in LNCS, Springer.
Selected papers invited to submit to special issue of SCP, Elsevier
EAPLS best paper award
Submission deadlines: Abstracts: June 4, Full papers: June 11

Co-chairs: Anya Helene Bagge and Dimitris Kolovos
On-line proceedings
Submission deadline: July 10

Co-chairs: Ulrich Eisenecker and Christian Bucholdt
On-line proceedings
Submission deadline: July 10

For further information, see http://planet-sl.org/sle2012

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