[ecoop-info] [CFP] IEEE* CORAL 2013: 2nd IEEE* International Workshop on Cognitive Radio Applications and Algorithms

Luciano Bononi bononi at cs.unibo.it
Mon Jan 21 08:47:53 CET 2013

Apologies if you received multiple copies of this CFP.

                       CALL FOR PAPERS
                 2nd IEEE(*) WoWMoM Workshop on
Emerging COgnitive Radio Applications and aLgorithms (IEEE CORAL 2013)
                June 4, 2013 - Madrid, Spain

(*) IEEE approval pending

   **** Paper Registration Deadline --- February 20, 2013 ****
   **** Paper Submission Deadline   --- February 28, 2013 ****

Cognitive Radio (CR) is emerging as one of the  key  technologies  to
solve the  problem of  spectrum  scarcity  faced by current  wireless
systems.   A CR network aims to support highly reconfigurable devices
that are capable of sensing the current environment, and adapting the
transmission parameters to the specific scenarios, also  based on the
Quality of Service  (QoS) requirements  of the applications.
The potential  deployment of CR networks  has  been  further augmented
through  various  standardization activities supported by the IEEE
(e.g.  IEEE 802.22,  IEEE 802.16h,  IEEE 802.11y),  and  directives of
spectrum regulatory agencies (e.g. the FCC in US).
These efforts have opened portions  of the spectrum for opportunistic
spectrum access and laid down rules for  sharing the spectrum so that
general  purpose  networks  as  well  as  communication  in  critical
scenarios, like vehicular networks, public safety networks, emergency
networks are supported.
However, to fully realize the potential of CR networks,  there  is  a
need to draw the attention of the research community  for  developing
advanced, context-based and innovative methodologies, techniques and
algorithms possibly inspired  by  multi-disciplinary  research fields,
including  current  results from  inter-disciplinary  research  (e.g.
machine learning, game theory, evolutionary & bio-inspired computing,
complex adaptive systems and exascale networks, cooperative  systems,
opportunistic networks, etc.)

The objective of this workshop is to bring together practitioners and
researchers from both academia and industry in order to have a forum
for discussion and technical presentations on the recent advances in
both the methodological  and  algorithmic  aspects  and  the  novel
applications  of cognitive radio networking .
In line with such objectives, original contributions are solicited in
topics of interest including, but not limited to, the following:

- Algorithms and protocols for self-configuring CR networks
- Centralized/Distributed algorithms for CR network management
- Centralized/Distributed algorithms for Radio Resource Management in 
  CR networks
- Cooperative and non-cooperative techniques for spectrum management 
  and access
- CR enhanced vehicular networks
- CR for emergency and public safety applications
- CR for wireless medical networks
- CR implementations and test-beds
- CR in whitespaces and LTE networks
- CR networks for smart grid applications
- CR for Internet of Things and smart spaces
- Cognitive Machine-to-machine (CM2M) communication
- Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) and Management in vehicular environments
- Emergent behavior of CR systems
- Environmental and context-based factors exploitation in CR systems
- Game theoretical analysis of CR networks
- Multi-disciplinary approaches and solutions for novel CR methodologies
- Machine learning techniques for CR networks
- Mobile Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks
- Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of CR technologies and CR networks
- New paradigms for CR systems
- Novel Applications of CR technology
- Protocol stack adaptation and Cross-layering in CR systems
- Security and safety aspects of CR systems
- Space-Time spectrum information sharing and RF DB integration in CR systems
- Spectrum sensing and spectrum sharing techniques
- Swarm Intelligence and biological-inspired networking for CR networks

Paper Registration Deadline:          February 20, 2013 (mandatory)
Paper Submission Deadline:            February 28, 2013
Notification Deadline:                March 25, 2013
Camera Ready Due:                     April 8, 2013
Workshop Date:                        June 4, 2013

Papers should neither have been published elsewhere nor being currently
under review by another conference or journal. Manuscripts are limited
to 6 pages, single spacing, double column, and must strictly adhere to
the template format. Guidelines on paper submission and formatting are
available at:

The paper submission is now open on EDAS: http://edas.info/N14129

Accepted papers will appear in the symposium proceedings published by
IEEE. Workshop papers will be included and indexed in the IEEE Digital
Library (IEEEXplore), showing their affiliation with IEEE WoWMoM.
Acceptance rate in the first (2012) edition was 30%.
At least one author of each accepted paper is required to register and
present  his/her  work at the workshop.  There  will  be  no  separate
registration for workshop, but one single registration will cover both
conference and workshops participation.
For the registration fees and payments, please read the instructions
contained at the WoWMoM 2013 Webpage.

IEEE TCSIM will sponsor the IEEE CORAL 2013 Best Student Paper Award!

Extended versions  of selected papers will be considered for journal
publication on a fast track issue of the Elsevier's Pervasive and
Mobile Computing (PMC) Journal (IF 2012: 1.250).

Email for contacts: coral2013 at cs.unibo.it

--- Workshop Committees
General Chair: Luciano Bononi - University of Bologna, Italy

TPC Co-Chairs: Kaushik R. Chowdhury - Northeastern University, USA
               Marco Di Felice   - University of Bologna, Italy

TPC Committee
   Ian Akyildiz, Georgia Tech, USA
   Ozgur Akan, Koc University, Turkey
   Huseyin Arslan, University of South Florida, USA
   Edward Au, Huawei Technologies, Canada
   Gaurav Bansal, Toyota InfoTechnology Center, USA
   Danijela Cabric, UCLA, USA
   Berk Canberk, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey
   Claudio Casetti, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
   Dave Cavalcanti, Philips Research, USA
   Matteo Cesana, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
   Rajarathnam Chandramouli, Stevens Institute of Technology, USA
   Mainak Chatterjee, University of Central Florida, USA
   Xu Chen, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, HK
   Francesca Cuomo, University of Rome Sapienza, Italy
   Swades De, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
   Panagiotis Demestichas, University of Piraeus, Greece
   Kelvin Dias, Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil
   Linda Doyle, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
   Mario Gerla, UCLA, USA
   Ali J. Ghandour, American University of Beirut, Lebanon
   Dirk Grunwald, University of Colorado, USA
   Yezekael Hayel, LIA, University of Avignon, France
   Ekram Hossain, University of Manitoba, Canada
   Aravind Kailas, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA
   Won-Yeol Lee, Korea Telecom, Korea
   Geoffrey Li, Georgia Tech, USA
   Petri Mahonen, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
   Ivana Maric, Aviat Networks, USA
   Tommaso Melodia, State University of New York at Buffalo, USA
   Christophe Moy, SUPELEC/IETR, France
   Dusit Niyato, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
   Michele Nogueira, Federal University of Parana, Brazil
   Maria Papadopouli, University of Crete, Greece
   Sara Pizzi, University "Mediterranea" of Reggio Calabria, Italy
   RangaRao Venkatesha Prasad, Delft Univ Technology, The Netherlands
   Vinay Ribeiro, IIT Delhi, India
   Peyman Setoodeh, McMaster University, Canada
   Violet Syrotiuk, Arizona State University, USA
   Anna Vizziello, University of Pavia, Italy
   Mehmet Vuran, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
   Alexander M. Wyglinski, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA
   Qin Xin, University of the Faroe Islands, Faroe Islands
   Wei Zhang, The University of New South Wales, Australia
   Michele Zorzi, Universita degli Studi di Padova, Italy


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