[ecoop-info] ICSM 2013 CFP - ERA/Tool Demo/Doctoral Symposium/Industry Tracks

Veronika Bauer bauerv at in.tum.de
Wed May 22 01:37:11 CEST 2013

ICSM 2013 CFP - ERA/Tool Demo/Doctoral Symposium/Industry Tracks

29th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance

22 - 28 September 2013 - Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Follow us on Twitter: @IEEEICSM

The deadline for the ERA/Doctoral Symposium/Industry/Tool Demo tracks is approaching! Please read below and 
refer to the web page for further information.


Abstract submission: June 17, 2013
Full papers submission: June 24, 2013
Notification: July 26, 2013
Camera-ready: August 9, 2013

ERA Track
The goal of the Early Research Achievements (ERA) track is to provide
researchers and practitioners with a forum for presenting great,
promising ideas in early stages of research. These ideas do not
require a strong empirical evaluation! The 2013 ERA track aims to
provide constructive feedback to guide you from your initial idea and
limited evaluation towards a solid ICSM 2014 paper with strong
empirical underpinnings. The topics of interest for this track are the
same as for the main research track, i.e., all the topics in the
research and practice of software maintenance and evolution. Papers
submitted to the ERA track must not have been accepted previously for
publication or submitted for review to another conference, journal, or

Submissions must be in English and conform to the IEEE
proceedings style. They must be four-page long, including all text,
references, appendices, and figures. 
Submissions will be evaluated on the basis of their originality,
importance of contribution, soundness, evaluation (if available),
quality and consistency of presentation, and appropriate comparison to
related work. 

Further details are available at:

Doctoral Symposium Track

As with previous editions, ICSM 2013 will feature a double doctoral symposium:

Pre-doctoral: The first part is dedicated to PhD students in the midst
of their doctoral studies in the field of software maintenance, who
intend to finish their PhD within the next two years (2014-2015). This
symposium aims to provide PhD students with an opportunity to present
their ongoing work, to interact with other researchers in the field,
and to get constructive feedback from senior researchers. Participants
will discuss their goals, methods, and results at an early stage in
their research. 
For the pre-doctoral symposium the submission should not exceed 4
Details on the required content are available at:
Post-doctoral: The second part is dedicated to researchers who have
delivered their PhD dissertations in the area of software maintenance
and evolution within the last 2 years (2011-2012). This symposium aims
to provide a forum for post-docs to present the highlights of their
work to the ICSM community. Moreover, participants will be asked to
reflect on the PhD process itself, and share some lessons learned with
PhD students as well as PhD advisors. 

For the post-doctoral symposium the submission should not exceed 6 pages.
Details on the required content are available at:

Industrial Track

This track aims to foster mutually beneficial links between those
engaged in scientific research and practitioners working to improve
software maintenance practices. We are interested in results (both
good and bad), obstacles, and lessons learned. Experiences from
practitioners provide crucial input into future research directions
and allow others to learn from successes and failures. 

For the industry track, we invite submissions of state-of-the-art
practice and experience reports, survey reports from real-world
projects and industrial experiences, and evidence-based
identifications of unsolved research challenges associated to software
maintenance. If you apply in an industrial context a method, model or
tool, which you know was earlier presented at ICSM or other software
engineering conference, we also warmly encourage you to submit to this

Each submission should describe the problem addressed, the approach
used, the current state of the project, an evaluation of the benefits
or lessons learnt, and future developments. Submissions must be in
English and conform to the IEEE proceedings style. They must be
four-page long, including all text, references, appendices, and

Further details are available at:

Tool Demo Track
This track provides an opportunity for researchers and practitioners 
to present and discuss the most recent advances, experiences, and 
challenges in the field of software maintenance with the goal of allowing 
live presentation of new research tools. Whether the tools are early 
research prototypes or polished tools prepared for commercialization 
(but not yet commercialized), the ICSM demo track provides the perfect 
opportunity to reach an international audience of researchers and 
practitioners, and solicit critical feedback.

This year's demo track consists of demonstrators who get about 15 minutes in  
the conference program for presenting their tool. The presentation should focus  
on the main use cases of and essential concepts behind the tool, and should 
include an actual tool demo of at least 10 minutes. Accepted demos will be 
included in the ICSM proceedings. Demos also require a website and a
4-page proposal.

Participation to the demos requires:
    1) a 4-page proposal (format: IEEE format and template) describing 
        the problem context, a typical usage scenario, existing tools and 
        their shortcomings, the concepts behind the proposed tool, 
        a graphical overview of the tool's architecture, a short discussion 
        of the technologies used for implementation, a summary of experiments 
        or other experiences with the tool, an outline of missing features and 
        other future work, and the URL of the tool's website (see 2.);
    2) a small website (referenced in the proposal) containing the URL 
        of the screencast as well as the download link of the actual tool, together 
        with clear installation instructions.

The proposal should be submitted via EasyChair at
The website do NOT need to be submitted via EasyChair, since their URL 
can be found via the proposal. If the tool is not available for download, 
the authors should clearly explain the rationale for this in the proposal.

Each submission will be reviewed by at least 3 members of the tool demo PC. 
Major reviewing criteria are:
    relevance to the ICSM audience
    quality of the proposal
    novelty of the tool
    adherence to the tool demo guidelines

Accepted demos will be allocated 4 pages in the conference proceedings. 
At least one author of each accepted demo must register and attend 
ICSM 2013 for the demo to be published in the proceedings. In addition, 
demonstrators will be expected to give a presentation that will be scheduled 
in the conference program.

Demonstrators are expected to provide their own equipment. Please mention 
supplemental wishes (e.g., Internet access) in a seperate appendix in proposal, 
this appendix will NOT be included in proceedings. 


General Chair:
Alexander Serebrenik, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Program Co-chairs:
Tom Mens, University of Mons, Belgium and
Yann-GaÎl GuÈhÈneuc, …cole Polytechnique de MontrÈal, Canada

ERA Program Co-chairs: 
Romain Robbes, University of Chile, Chile and
Bram Adams, …cole Polytechnique de MontrÈal, Canada

Industry Track Chair: 
Joost Visser, Software Improvement Group in Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Doctoral Symposium Co-chairs: 
Lori Pollock, University of Delaware, USA and
Tibor Gyimothy, University of Szeged, Hungary

Tools Track Co-chairs: 
Mark van den Brand, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands and
Anthony Cleve, University of Namur, Belgium

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