[ecoop-info] Call for Paper - ACM Student Research Competitio​n at ICCAD 2014 (Deadline: August 15, 2014)

Tsung-Yi Ho ho.tsungyi at gmail.com
Sat Aug 9 04:09:16 CEST 2014

*[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this email]*ACM Student
Research Competition at ICCAD 2014 (SRC at ICCAD'14)

*DEADLINE: August 15, 2014 *
Online Submission: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=srciccad14

Sponsored by Microsoft Research, the ACM Student Research Competition is an
internationally recognized venue enabling undergraduate and graduate
students who are ACM members to:

   - Experience the research world -- for many undergraduates this is a
   - Share research results and exchange ideas with other students, judges,
   and conference attendees
   - Rub shoulders with academic and industry luminaries
   - Understand the practical applications of their research
   - Perfect their communication skills
   - Receive prizes and gain recognition from ACM and the greater computing

The ACM Special Interest Group on Design Automation (ACM SIGDA) is
organizing such an event in conjunction with the International Conference
on Computer Aided Design (ICCAD) <http://iccad.com/>. Authors of accepted
submissions will get travel grants from ACM/Microsoft to attend the event
at ICCAD. The event consists of several rounds, as described at
http://www.acm.org/src/participate.html and
http://www.acm.org/src/about.html , where you can also find more details on
student eligibility and timeline.

The first-place winner in the graduate category at SRC at ICCAD'13, Aadithya
Karthik (University of California, Berkeley), also won first place in the
2014 ACM SRC Grand Finals: http://src.acm.org.

*Details on abstract submission:*
Research projects from all areas of design automation are encouraged. The
author submitting the abstract must still be a student at the time the
abstract is due. Each submission should be made on the EasyChair submission
site <https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=srciccad13>. Please
include the author's name, affiliation, postal address, and email address;
research advisor's name; ACM student member number; category (undergraduate
or graduate); research title; and an extended abstract (maximum 2 pages or
800 words) containing the following sections:

   - *Problem and Motivation:* This section should clearly state the
   problem being addressed and explain the reasons for seeking a solution to
   this problem.
   - *Background and Related Work:* This section should describe the
   specialized (but pertinent) background necessary to appreciate the work.
   Include references to the literature where appropriate, and briefly explain
   where your work departs from that done by others. Reference lists do not
   count towards the limit on the length of the abstract.
   - *Approach and Uniqueness:* This section should describe your approach
   in attacking the problem and should clearly state how your approach is
   - *Results and Contributions:* This section should clearly show how the
   results of your work contribute to computer science and should explain the
   significance of those results. Include a separate paragraph (maximum of 100
   words) for possible publication in the conference proceedings that serves
   as a succinct description of the project.
   - Single paper summaries (or just cut & paste versions of published
   papers) are inappropriate for the ACM SRC. Submissions should include at
   least one year worth of research contributions, but not subsuming an
   entire doctoral thesis load.

Note that this event is different than other ACM/SIGDA sponsored or
supported events at DAC or ICCAD: YSSP <http://www.sigda.org/node/40>
brings together seniors and 1st year graduate students at DAC, UBooth
<http://www.sigda.org/ubooth> features demos from research groups, DASS
<http://www.sigda.org/dass> allows graduate students to get up to speed on
lectures on design automation, while the PhD Forum
<http://www.sigda.org/phdforum> showcases post-proposal PhD research at DAC
and the CADathlon <http://archive.sigda.org/cadathlon.html> allows graduate
students to compete in a programming contest at ICCAD. The ACM Student
Research Competition allows both graduate and undergraduate students to
discuss their research with student peers, as well as academic and industry
researchers, in an informal setting, while enabling them to attend DAC and
compete with other ACM SRC winners from other computing areas in the ACM
Grand Finals. Travel grant recipients cannot receive travel support from
any other ICCAD or ACM/SIGDA sponsored program.

*Online Submission - EasyChair:*

*Important dates:*
Abstract submission deadline:  August 15, 2014
Acceptance notification: September 15, 2014
Poster session at ICCAD: Monday, November 3, 2014
Presentation session at ICCAD: Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Award winners announced at ACM SIGDA Dinner: Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Grand Finals winners honored at ACM Awards Banquet: June 2015

Students submitting and presenting their work at SRC at ICCAD'14 are required
to be members of both ACM and ACM SIGDA.

Miroslav Velev <mvelev at gmail.com?subject=ACM%20SRC%20at%20ICCAD%202014>
(Aries Design Automation, U.S.A.)
Tsung-Yi Ho
<tyho at csie.ncku.edu.tw?subject=ACM%20SIGDA%20SRC%20at%20ICCAD%202014>
(National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan)

Tsung-Yi Ho, Ph.D.,
Department of Computer Science,
National Chiao Tung University,
No. 1001, University Rd.,
Hsinchu, Taiwan 30010.
Phone: 886-3-5712121 ext. 54733
Email: tyho at cs.nctu.edu.tw <tyho at csie.ncku.edu.tw>
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