[ecoop-info] SPLASH 2014 Call for Contributions: OOPSLA, Onward!, Dynamic Languages Symposium
Craig Anslow
Craig.Anslow at ecs.vuw.ac.nz
Wed Feb 5 21:51:19 CET 2014
ACM Conference on
Systems, Programming, Languages, and Applications:
Software for Humanity (SPLASH'14)
Portland, Oregon, USA
20th-24th October, 2014
Sponsored by ACM SIGPLAN
The ACM SIGPLAN conference on Systems, Programming, Languages and Applications: Software for Humanity (SPLASH) embraces all aspects of software construction and delivery to make it the premier conference at the intersection of programming, languages, and software engineering. SPLASH is now accepting submissions. We invite high quality submissions describing original and unpublished work.
** OOPSLA Research Papers**
Papers that address any aspect of software development are welcome, including requirements, modeling, prototyping, design, implementation, generation, analysis, verification, testing, evaluation, maintenance, reuse, replacement, and retirement of software systems. Papers may address these topics in a variety of ways, including new tools (such as languages, program analyses, and runtime systems), new techniques (such as methodologies, design processes, code organization approaches, and management techniques), and new evaluations (such as formalisms and proofs, corpora analyses, user studies, and surveys).
Submissions Due: 25 March, 2014
** Onward! Research Papers **
Onward! is a premier multidisciplinary conference focused on everything to do with programming and software: including processes, methods, languages, communities, and applications. Onward! is more radical, more visionary, and more open than other conferences to ideas that are well-argued but not yet proven. We welcome different ways of thinking about, approaching, and reporting on programming language and software engineering research.
Submissions Due: 25 March, 2014
** Onward! Essays **
Onward! Essays is looking for clear and compelling pieces of writing about topics important to the software community. An essay can be an exploration of a topic, its impact, or the circumstances of its creation; it can present a personal view of what is, explore a terrain, or lead the reader in an act of discovery; it can be a philosophical digression or a deep analysis. It can describe a personal journey, perhaps that by which the author reached an understanding of such a topic. The subject area should be interpreted broadly and can include the relationship of software to human endeavors, or its philosophical, sociological, psychological, historical, or anthropological underpinnings.
Submissions Due: 29 March, 2014
** Dynamic Languages Symposium (DLS) **
DLS is the premier forum for researchers and practitioners to share knowledge and research on dynamic languages, their implementation, and applications. The influence of dynamic languages — from Lisp to Smalltalk to Python to Javascript — on real-world practice, and research, continues to grow. We invite high quality papers reporting original research, innovative contributions, or experience related to dynamic languages, their implementation, and applications.
Submissions Due: 8 June, 2014
Early Registration Deadline: 19 September, 2014
Contact: info at splashcon.org
Portland Marriott
Downtown Waterfront Hotel
Portland, Oregon, USA
SPLASH General Chair: Andrew Black (Portland State University)
OOPSLA Papers Chair: Todd Millstein (UCLA)
Onward! Papers Chair: Shriram Krishnamurthi (Brown University)
Onward! Essays Chair: Bernd Bruegge (Technische Universitat of Munchen)
DLS Papers Chair: Laurence Tratt (King’s College, London)
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