[ecoop-info] Bigsystem 2014 at HPDC - Call for Papers (Papers due Feb 15)

Ivan Rodero irodero at cac.rutgers.edu
Sun Feb 9 00:27:33 CET 2014


Please accept our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP!


BigSystem 2014

International Workshop on Software-Defined Ecosystems (BigSystem 2014)

(co-located with ACM HPDC 2014, Vancouver, Canada, June 23-27, 2014)

With the emerging technology breakthrough in computing, networking, storage,
mobility, and analytics, the boundary of systems is undergoing fundamental
change and is expected to logically disappear. It is the time to rethink system
design and management without boundaries towards software-defined ecosystems,
the Big System. The basic principles of software-defined mechanisms and policies
have witnessed great success in clouds and networking. We are expecting broader,
deeper, and greater evolution and confluence towards holistic software-defined

BigSystem 2014 provides an open forum for researchers, practitioners, and system
builders to exchange ideas, discuss, and shape roadmaps towards such big systems
in the era of big data.

Topics of Interest

* Architecture of software-defined ecosystems
* Management of software-defined ecosystems
* Software-defined principles
* Software-defined computing
* Software-defined networking
* Software-defined storage
* Software-defined security
* Software-defined services
* Software-defined mobile computing/cloud
* Software-defined cyber-physical systems
* Interaction and confluence of software-defined modalities
* Virtualization
* Hybrid systems, cross-layer design and management
* Security, privacy, reliability, trustworthiness
* Grand challenges in big systems
* Big data infrastructure and engineering
* HPC, big data, and computational science & engineering applications
* Autonomic computing
* Cloud computing and services
* Emerging technologies

Paper Submission Guidelines

Authors are invited to submit technical papers of at most 8 pages in PDF format,
including figures and references. Short position papers (4 pages) are also
encouraged. Papers should be formatted in the ACM Proceedings Style (double
column text using single spaced 10 point size on 8.5 x 11 inch
page, http://www.acm.org/sigs/publications/proceedings-templates) and submitted
via EasyChair submission site. No changes to the margins, spacing, or font sizes
as specified by the style file are allowed. Accepted papers will appear in the
workshop proceedings, and will be incorporated into the ACM Digital Library. A
limited number of papers will be accepted as posters. Selected distinguished
papers, after further revisions, will be considered a special issue in a high
quality journal.

EasyChair submission site,

Important Dates

* Papers Due                 Feb. 15th, 2014                
* Notification               Mar. 30th, 2014
* Camera-Ready               April 15th, 2014


Steering Committee

Rajkumar Buyya, University of Melbourne
Jeff Chase, Duke Univeristy
Jose Fortes, University of Florida
Geoffrey Fox, Indiana University
Hai Jin, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Chung-Sheng Li, IBM Research
Xiaolin (Andy) Li, University of Florida
Manish Parashar, Rutgers University

General Chairs

Geoffrey Fox, Indiana University
Manish Parashar, Rutgers University

Program Chairs

Chung-Sheng Li, IBM Research
Xiaolin (Andy) Li, University of Florida

Publicity Chairs

Yong Chen, Texas Tech University
Ivan Rodero, Rutgers University

Web Chair

Ze Yu, University of Florida

Technical Program Committee

Gagan Agrawal, Ohio State University
Henri E. Bal, Vrije University
Ilya Baldin, RENCI/UNC Chapel Hill
Viraj Bhat, Yahoo
Roger Barga, Microsoft Research
Micah Beck, University of Tennessee
Ali Butt, Virginia Tech
Jiannong Cao, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Claris Castillo, RENCI
Umit Catalyurek, Ohio State University
Yong Chen, Texas Tech University
Peter Dinda, Northwestern University
Zhihui Du, Tsinghua University
Renato Figueiredo, University of Florida
Yashar Ganjali, University of Toronto
William Gropp, UIUC
Guofei Gu, Texas A&M University
John Lange, University of Pittsburgh
Junda Liu, Google
David Meyer, Brocade
Rajesh Narayanan, Dell Research
Ioan Raicu, IIT
Lavanya Ramakrishnan, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
Ivan Rodero, Rutgers University
Ivan Seskar, Rutgers University
Jian Tang, Syracuse University
Tai Won Um, ETRI
Jun Wang, University of Central Florida
Kuang-Ching Wang, Clemson University
Jon Weissman, University of Minnesota
Dongyan Xu, Purdue University
Vinod Yegneswaran, SRI
Jianfeng Zhan, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Han Zhao, Qualcomm Research

Ivan Rodero, Ph.D.
Rutgers Discovery Informatics Institute (RDI2)                                                         
NSF Center for Cloud and Autonomic Computing (CAC)
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering            
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey   
Office: CoRE Bldg, Rm 625                                                       
94 Brett Road, Piscataway, NJ 08854-8058
Phone: (732) 993-8837
Fax:   (732) 445-0593
Email: irodero at rutgers dot edu
WWW: http://nsfcac.rutgers.edu/people/irodero
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