[ecoop-info] CFP: [12th WWIC 2014] - Paris, 26-28 May, 2014
Scott Fowler
scott_fowler at ymail.com
Sun Feb 9 15:46:51 CET 2014
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Call for Papers : 12th International Conference on Wired and Wireless Internet Communications (WWIC'2014).
Proceedings published in Springer LNCS.
Indexed by the following services: ISI Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Science (CPCI-S) included in ISI Web of Science, EI Engineering Index (Compendex and Inspec databases), ACM Digital Library, Scopus, dblp, Google Scholar, IO-Port, MathSciNet, Zentralblatt MATH.
• Paper submission: February 15, 2014
• Acceptance notification: March 20, 2014
• Camera-ready deadline: April 1, 2014
• Author registration due: April 15, 2014
Dates : May 26-28 May 2014, Paris, France.
Website : http://www.lissi.fr/wwic2014/
Submission : http://edas.info/N16519
The WWIC conference is now a well-established conference in all Internet communications aspects. This 12th edition focus on the new trends of Internet and its extension beyond its traditional boundaries (i.e., areas with network infrastructure) through gradually incorporating a wide-range of challenging networks and autonomous devices. From traditional wireless networks to opportunistic networks of mobile devices in urban environments and deep-space communications, the new approaches require an efficient integration with the traditional wired infrastructure. The need for novel all-weather protocols, clean-slate or evolutionary architectures, merging and assembling of different network technologies, unified operation and management of the heterogeneous components and supports for new multimedia services are only few examples of the wide range of technologies building-up this new global network. WWIC addresses research topics such as the design and
evaluation of protocols, the dynamics of the integration, the performance tradeoffs, the need for new performance metrics and cross-layer interactions. The goal of the conference is to present high-quality results in the field, and to provide a framework for research collaboration through focused discussions that will designate future research efforts and directions.
Scope of Contributions :
We solicit papers addressing following areas in:
Next Generation Services
•E-Health applications (telemedicine and telehealth)
•Software Defined Network
•Blended network configurations
•Networking Cloud and data center computing
•Content-centric networking
•Delay/disruptive tolerant and opportunistic networking
•Green networking
•Routing in mobile and opportunistic networks
•Simulation for next generation mobile networks
•Technologies beyond 4G networks
•User-centric networking
Resource Management
•End-to-end Quality of Service support
•Quality of Experience for Internet Applications
•Handover techniques
•Interactions between wireless and optical networks
•Performance evaluation of challenging networks
•QoS signaling in mobile environments
•Resource management and admission control
•Traffic engineering
•Unified management of integrated challenging networks
•Virtual and overlay networks
Wireless and Wired Networks
•Heterogeneous wireless access networks
•Hybrid wired / wireless environments
•Integration of wired and wireless networks
•Network design and network planning
•Network mobility and mobility management
•Network coding in mobile networks
•Network security in mobile environments
•Vehicular networks
•Wireless mesh networks
•Wireless multimedia systems
•Wireless network monitoring
•Wireless sensor networks
Network Architecture & Applications
•Cross layer design and optimization
•Modeling of heterogeneity aspects
•Space internetworking
•Economical issues of challenging networks
•Mobile service level agreements / specifications
•Pricing, charging and accounting
•Service creation and management
•Traffic characterization and modeling
•Transport protocols and congestion control
Prospective authors are asked to submit only novel, previously unpublished papers through EDAS submission system.The proceedings will be published by Springer in the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science which is indexed by the following services: ISI Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Science (CPCI-S) included in ISI Web of Science, EI Engineering Index (Compendex and Inspec databases), ACM Digital Library, Scopus, dblp, Google Scholar, IO-Port, MathSciNet, Zentralblatt MATH.
The maximum size of papers should be 14 pages including tables and figures. The cover page must contain an abstract of at least 70 and at most 150 words, 3-5 keywords, name and affiliation of author(s) as well as the corresponding author's e-mail and postal address. In your submission, please adhere to the formatting standard for a 14-page manuscript of Springer-Verlag. There you will find templates for preparing the submission using either LaTeX (recommended) or Microsoft Word. Notice that in the submission phase we only accept a PDF document produced from the properly formatted original editable document.
Accepted papers must be presented at the Conference. The presenter must register for the Conference before the deadline for author registration. Failure to register before the deadline will result in automatic withdrawal of the paper from the Conference proceedings and the program.
All papers selected for publication will be included in a LNCS volume edited by Springer.
General Chair
Abdelhamid Mellouk, Paris-Est University (UPEC, LiSSi), France
General co-Chairs
Jean Marc Uze, Juniper
Prosper Chemouil, Orange
Mari Carmen A. Torres, Spain
Technical Program Co-Chairs
Scott Fowler, Sweden
Said Hoceini, France
Steering Committee
Torsten Braun, Switzerland
Vassilios Tsaoussidis, Greece
Langendörfer Peter, Germany
Geert Heijenk, Netherland
Yevgeni Koucheryavy, Finland
Otto Carle, Germany
Visit: http://www.lissi.fr/wwic2014/
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