[ecoop-info] ICMT 2014 - 7th International Conference on Model Transformation - LAST CALL FOR PAPERS

Davide Di Ruscio davide.diruscio at univaq.it
Fri Jan 24 15:49:37 CET 2014

************* Apologies for multiple postings *****************

               LAST C A L L  F O R  P A P E R S

                        ICMT 2014

        7th International Conference on Model Transformation

                July 21-25 2014, York, UK




Abstract submission  January 28, 2014
Paper submission  February 4, 2014
Notification of acceptance  March 11, 2014
Camera-ready version due  April 11, 2014
Conference dates  July 21-25, 2014

Modeling is a key element in reducing the complexity of software systems
during their development and maintenance. Model transformations are
essential for elevating models from documentation elements to
first-class artifacts of the development process. Transformations also
play a key role in analyzing models to reveal conceptual flaws or
highlight quality bottlenecks and in integrating heterogeneous tools
into unified tool chains.

Model transformation includes approaches such as: model-to-text
transformation, e.g., to generate code or other textual artifacts from
models; text-to-model transformations, e.g., to derive models from
structured text such as legacy code; and model-to-model transformations,
e.g., to normalize, weave, analyze, optimize, simulate, and refactor
models, as well as to translate between modeling languages.

Model transformation encompasses a variety of technical spaces,
including modelware, grammarware, dataware, and ontoware, a variety of
model representations, e.g., based on different types of graphs, and a
variety of transformation paradigms including rule-based
transformations, term rewriting, and manipulations of objects in
general-purpose programming languages.

The study of model transformation includes foundations, structuring
mechanisms, and properties, such as modularity, composability, and
parameterization of transformations, transformation languages,
techniques, and tools. An important goal of the field is the development
of high-level model transformation languages, providing transformations
that are amenable to higher-order model transformations or tailored to
specific transformation problems.

The efficient execution of model queries and transformations by scalable
transformation engines on top of large graph data structures is also a
key challenge in different application scenarios. Novel algorithms as
well as innovative (e.g. distributed) execution strategies and
domain-specific optimizations are sought in this respect.

To achieve impact on software engineering in general, methodologies and
tools are required to integrate model transformation into existing
development environments and processes. ICMT is the premier forum for
researchers and practitioners from all areas of model transformation.

** TOPICS **

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

- Transformation paradigms and languages
  graph rewriting, tree rewriting, attribute grammars
  rule-based, declarative, imperative, and functional
  textual, graphical
  model queries, pattern matching
  transformation by example/demonstration
  modularity, reusability, and composition
  comparison of transformation languages
  theoretical foundations

- Transformation algorithms and strategies
  bidirectional transformation
  incremental transformation
  scalability and optimization
  higher-order transformation
  transformation chains
  non-functional aspects of transformations

- Development of transformations
  verification and validation (incl. testing, debugging, termination,
confluence, metrics)
  development processes
  tool support
  benchmarking of transformation engines

- Applications and case studies
  aspect weaving
  model comparison, differencing, and merging
  model analysis
  model synchronization and change propagation
  co-evolution of models, metamodels, and transformations
  round-trip/reverse/forward engineering
  industrial experience reports and empirical studies


This year’s edition of ICMT will feature, among peer-reviewed papers,
a keynote held by Jean Bézivin.


All contributions will be subject to a rigorous selection process by
the international Program Committee, with an emphasis on originality,
practicality and overall quality. Papers should clearly indicate their
contributions with respect to previous work. Each paper will be reviewed
by at least 3 committee members. All submissions should follow the LNCS
format, be in PDF, and should include the authors' names, affiliations
and contact details. The submission web site is:

Two kinds of submissions are sought:
- Research papers:  Up to 15 pages long.
- Tool demonstration papers: Up to 7 pages long.

Tool demonstration papers should describe novel and state-of-the-art
tools or report on novel features of existing tools, related to model
transformation. Submissions should consist of two parts. The first part,
no more than 7 pages, should describe the tool presented (please include
the URL of the tool if available). This part will be included in the
proceedings. The second part, no more than 5 pages, should explain how
the demonstration will be carried out, including screen dumps and
examples. This part will not be included in the proceedings, but will be


The conference proceedings will be published by Springer-Verlag in the
LNCS series. Moreover, a special issue with a selection of the best
papers from the conference will be published in the Journal on Software
and Systems Modeling (Springer).


Davide Di Ruscio  University of L’Aquila (Italy)
Daniel Varro  Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Hungary)

Philip Langer  Vienna University of Technology (Austria)

**** CONTACT ****

Web                 :  http://www.model-transformation.org
Follow us on twitter:  @icmt14 #icmt14

Davide Di Ruscio, PhD in Computer Science
Department of Information Engineering Computer Science and Mathematics
University of L'Aquila
Via Vetoio, Coppito I-67010 L'Aquila (Italy)
Email: davide.diruscio at univaq.it
WWW:   http://www.di.univaq.it/diruscio
Skype: davidediruscio
Twitter: DDiRuscio
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