[ecoop-info] Postdoc Position at VUW on Grace
James Noble
kjx at ecs.vuw.ac.nz
Thu Jul 10 13:43:04 CEST 2014
We are looking for a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the School
of Engineering and Computer Science, Victoria University of
Wellington, based in Wellington, New Zealand. This is a two year
fixed term position.
The main objective of this position is to conduct high quality
research in Programming Languages and Software Engineering,
within the Grace Programming Langauge design
project (gracelang.org). This will include design,
implementation, and support work on the Grace language, Grace
libraries, interactive and livecoding development environments,
and open-source community building. You will also have the
opportunity to contribute to teaching in Software Engineering and
Computer Science.
Candidates must have a PhD in Programming Languages or
Object-Orientation and a good research and publication track
record in these areas.
If you would like to discuss the position before making an
application, please email Professor James Noble,
kjx at ecs.vuw.ac.nz, including in your email a copy of your CV,
list of publications and a paragraph explaining why we should
appoint you to this position.
Application deadline: 31st July 2014.
James Noble
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