[ecoop-info] ICSE 2015 - Call for Technical Research Papers

Domenico BIANCULLI domenico.bianculli at uni.lu
Tue Jul 15 16:23:02 CEST 2014

ICSE 2015


The 37th International Conference on Software Engineering

May 16-24, 2015 - Firenze, Italy


The International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) series is
the premier forum for researchers, practitioners, and educators to
share and discuss the most recent trends, innovations, experiences and
challenges in the field of software engineering.  The 37th ICSE will
be held in Florence/Firenze, Italy on May 16-24, 2015. You are warmly
invited to contribute, and be part of the many offered events.

Call for Technical Research Papers 


Submission:   September 5, 2014
Notification: December 20, 2014
              Early phase rejection notice by Nov. 15, 2014 (only
	      for non-PC and non-RC members) 
Camera ready: February 13, 2015

We invite high quality submissions of technical research papers
describing original and unpublished results addressing topics across
the full spectrum of software engineering research.

Topics of interest to ICSE 2015 include, but are not restricted to,
the following:

- Agile software development
- Autonomic and (self-)adaptive systems
- Cloud and service-oriented computing
- Component-based software engineering
- Configuration management and deployment
- Cooperative, distributed, and collaborative software engineering
- Debugging, fault localization, and repair
- Dependability, safety, and reliability
- Embedded and cyber physical systems
- End-user software engineering
- Formal methods, verification, and synthesis
- Green and sustainable technologies
- Human factors and social aspects of software engineering
- Human-computer interaction
- Methodologies and measures for empirical software engineering
- Middleware, frameworks, and APIs
- Mining software engineering repositories
- Mobile applications
- Model-driven engineering
- Parallel, distributed, and concurrent systems
- Performance
- Program analysis
- Program comprehension and visualization
- Programming, specification, and modeling languages
- Recommendation systems
- Requirements engineering
- Reverse engineering
- Search-based software engineering
- Security, privacy and trust
- Software architecture
- Software economics, management, and metrics
- Software evolution and maintenance
- Software modeling and design
- Software processes and process improvement
- Software product lines
- Software reuse
- Software testing
- Tools and environments
- Traceability
- Ubiquitous/web/pervasive software systems


Submissions must conform to the ICSE 2015 format and submission
instructions. Papers must not exceed 12 pages, 10 pages for the main
text, including figures, tables, appendices, etc, and up to 2 pages
for references. As part of the online submission process, we ask
authors to self-identify: i) conflicts of interest with members of the
PC and the RC committees (according to the COI rules at
<http://www.sigsoft.org/about/policies/pc-policy.htm>); and ii)
submissions with one or more of the following categories: Analytical,
Empirical, Methodological, Perspectives, and Technological. For
instructions about submissions please visit:


Each submission will be reviewed by the Program Co-Chairs to ensure
compliance with the required submission format, compliance rules, and
scope. Submissions that do not meet these criteria will be
rejected. Submissions that meet the criteria of the conference will be
reviewed and evaluated on the basis of originality, evaluation,
soundness, importance of contribution, quality of presentation, and
appropriate comparison to related work.

* New to ICSE 2015 *

To scale to the increasing number of ICSE submissions, to enable
broader community participation, and to have access to additional
reviewing expertise, ICSE 2015 will tap into the expertise of two
committees working in tandem: a Program Committee (PC) and a Reviewing
Committee (RC). The reviewing process will consist of two phases. In
the first phase, PC and RC members will provide two reviews
per submission. Submissions with at least one supportive review will
advance to the second phase where they will receive a third review by
a PC member. This will be followed by an on-line discussion to clarify
reviewers' positions, the assignment of an additional reviewer if
necessary, and a physical meeting with PC members to decide the final
list of accepted papers. More details about the reviewing process can
be found at <http://2015.icse-conferences.org/technical-research-faq>.


* General-Chair *
Antonia Bertolino, ISTI-CNR, Italy

* Program Co-Chairs *
Gerardo Canfora, University of Sannio, Italy
Sebastian Elbaum, University of Nebraska - Lincoln, USA

* Program Committee *
Jonathan Aldrich, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Giulio Antoniol, Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, Canada
Sven Apel, University of Passau, Germany
Benoit Baudry, INRIA, France
Andrew Begel, Microsoft Research, USA
Victor Braberman, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Lionel Briand, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Yuriy Brun, University of Massachusetts, USA
Tevfik Bultan, University of California Santa Barbara, USA
Cristian Cadar, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
James Clause, University of Delaware, USA
Myra Cohen, University of Nebraska - Lincoln, USA
Andrea De Lucia, University of Salerno, Italy
Elisabetta Di Nitto, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Schahram Dustdar, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Jeffrey Foster, University of Maryland College Park, USA
Mark Grechanik, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
John Grundy, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
Lars Grunske, University of Stuttgart, Germany
John Hatcliff, Kansas State University, USA
Felienne Hermans, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
Patrick Heymans, University of Namur, Belgium
Reid Holmes, University of Waterloo, Canada
Miryung Kim, University of Texas at Austin, USA
Moonzoo Kim, KAIST, South Korea
Akash Lal, Microsoft Research, India
David Lo, Singapore Management University, Singapore
Sam Malek, George Mason University, USA
Andrian Marcus, Wayne State University, USA
Leonardo Mariani, University of Milano Bicocca, Italy
Stephen McCamant, University of Minnesota, USA
Mira Mezini, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany
Oscar Nierstrasz, University of Bern, Switzerland
Patrizio Pelliccione, Chalmers University of Technology and University
of Gothenburg, Sweden
Suzette Person, NASA, USA
Denys Poshyvanyk, The College of William and Mary, USA
Steve Reiss, Brown University, USA
Romain Robbes, University of Chile, Chile
Martin Robillard, McGill University, Canada
Caitlin Sadowski, Google, USA
Yannis Smaragdakis, University of Athens, Greece
Kathryn Stolee, Iowa State University, USA
Giancarlo Succi, Free University of Bolzano, Italy
Paolo Tonella, FBK - Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy
André van der Hoek, University of California Irvine, USA
Willem Visser, Stellenbosch University, South Africa
Westley Weimer, University of Virginia, USA
Laurie Williams, North Carolina State University, USA
Tao Xie, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Andreas Zeller, Saarland University, Germany

* Reviewing Committee *
James Andrews, Google Inc., USA
Licia Capra, University College of London, United Kingdom 
W. K. Chan, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Jane Cleland-Huang, De Paul University, USA
Jin Dong Son, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Brian Fitzgerald, University of Limerick and LERO, Ireland
Robert France, Colorado State University, USA
Diego Garbervetsky, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Jeff Gray, University of Alabama, USA
Alex Groce, Oregon State University, USA
Guilherme Horta Travassos, COPPE and UFRJ, Brazil
Maletic Jonathan, Kent State University, USA
Rainer Koschke, University of Bremen, Germany
Yvan Labiche, Carleton University, Canada 
Filippo Lanubile, University of Bari, Italy
Benjamin Livshits, Microsoft Research, USA
Robyn Lutz, Iowa State University, USA
Michael Lyu, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Shahar Maoz, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Phil McMinn, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom
Hong Mei, Peking Univesity, China
Martin Monperrus, University of Lille, France
Martin Pinzger, University of Klagenfurt, Austria
Andrea Polini, ISTI-CNR, Italy
Anita Sarma, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, USA
Carolyn Seaman, University of Maryland Baltimore County, USA
Saurabh Sinha, IBM Research, India
Massimo Tivoli, Università degli Studi dell'Aquila, Italy
Emina Torlak, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Shin Yoo, University College London, United Kingdom
Andrea Zisman, The Open University, United Kingdom

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