[ecoop-info] DSM-TP - 5th International Summer School on Domain Specific Modeling - Theory and Practice, Antwerp, Belgium, 25 - 29 August 2014
Vasco Amaral
vasco.amaral at gmail.com
Thu Jul 17 16:41:16 CEST 2014
The Fifth International Summer School on
Domain Specific Modelling - Theory and Practice
Antwerp, Belgium, 25 - 29 August 2014
* I m p o r t a n t d a t e s *
Early registration and payment deadline: 31 July 2014
Late registration: from 1 August 2014
* K e y w o r d s *
Domain-Specific Languages, Modelling Language Engineering,
Requirements Modelling Languages, Visual Modelling Languages, Model-Driven
Development, Variability, Product Lines, Model Transformations, Multi-view
modelling, Model Querying, Model Checking, Validation, Simulation,
Verification, Quality of Modelling Languages, Industrial Uses of
Domain-Specific Modelling and Model-Based Systems Engineering.
* T h e T o p i c *
Over the last decades, the complexity of systems we study and design
(such as Cyber-Physical Systems) has grown exponentially. To manage this
complexity, industry and academia
now explicitly model different aspects of the structure and behaviour
of systems, at the most appropriate level(s) of abstraction, using the most
appropriate modelling formalism(s).
Dedicated modelling formalisms, also known as Domain Specific Languages are
used increasingly to maximally constrain the modeller to the problem at
hand, reducing the cognitive gap and enabling optimal, domain specific,
model manipulations such as application synthesis.
In particular for product families, using generative (transformation)
techniques, numerous success stories are reported in industry.
Model Based Systems Engineering in general, and Domain Specific Modeling
in particular have proven useful in a wide range of application domains:
Interactive Systems, Real-Time Systems, Web 2.0 design, Business
Architecture, Modern Computer Games, Industrial Automation, Hardware and
Software Co-design, Mechatronics, Business Process Modeling, Requirements
Engineering, and Process Design, etc.
Hand in hand with these industrial successes, academia have been developing
foundations, systematic approaches, techniques, tools,
frameworks and processes to turn Model Based Systems Engineering
into a true engineering discipline. This builds on existing work
in language semantics, simulation, model checking, and model-based testing.
Given the plethora of scattered developments (theories, techniques
and tools) in this exciting field, practitioners as well as students lack
an integrated vision of the model based systems engineering domain.
* T h e S u m m e r S c h o o l *
It is exactly the integrated vision on the problems addressed and solutions
offered by Domain Specific Modelling (and Modelling Language Engineering)
that this Summer School aims to provide.
This fifth International Summer School on Domain Specific Modeling - Theory
and Practice is aimed at researchers, teachers, practitioners, and students
(typically PhD. level)
who intend to study or work with Domain Specific Modeling. The purpose is
to learn about foundations as well as best practices in a friendly and
stimulating environment. There will be ample opportunities to discuss with
participants and with the lecturers. These lecturers are experienced and
active professionals,
leaders in their field, whose academic and industrial background covers the
broad range of topics of the School.
DSM-TP 2014 is hosted by the Modelling, Simulation and Design Lab (MSDL) at
the University of Antwerp, Belgium. The Summer School is organized in close
collaboration with NOVA-LINCS FCT of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa,
who organized the previous four editions of this Summer School.
The event will take place during five days.
During the first four days, morning lectures will introduce
theoretical/foundational topics.
Each afternoon will features tutorials where techniques and tools will be
explained hands-on. A common Case Study will be used across all the
tutorials to make the coherence between the different topics (language
design, model transformation, semantics, model checking, ...) clear.
During the last day of the School, both the academic and industrial point of
view on the most recent advances in the field will be presented.
This will highlight current research as well as discuss challenges and open
(with many hints for future PhD topics).
The main topics covered during the school are:
Causes of Complexity
The need for Domain Specific Modelling and Languages
Domain Engineering, Variability, Product Families
Modelling Language Engineering
Visual Modelling Languages
Model Transformation
Querying, Multi-view modelling, trace-ability
Specifying Modelling Language Semantics, common Semantic Domains
Specifying and Checking (Domain-Specific) Model Properties
Evaluating the Quality of Domain Specific Languages
(Meta-)Model Composition
Industrial Uses of Domain-Specific Modelling and Model-Based Systems
variety of tools will be used during the hands-on tutorials:
Language Design: metaDepth, Clafer, AToMPM, IncQuery, ...
Model Transformations: AToMPM/MoTif, ATL, Epsilon tools such as EGL, ...
*L e c t u r e r s*
- Prof. Vasco Amaral, NOVA-LINCS FCT, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal)
- Dr. Michał Antkiewicz, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department,
University of Waterloo (Canada)
- Prof. Didier Buchs, University of Geneva (Switzerland)
- Prof. Miguel Goulão, NOVA-LINCS, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal)
- Prof. Thomas Kuehne, Victoria University of Wellington (New Zealand)
- Prof. Hans Vangheluwe, MSDL, University of Antwerp (Belgium) and McGill
University, Montréal (Canada)
- Dr. Bernhard Schätz, Fortiss (Germany)
- Prof. Eugene Syriani, Université de Montréal, (Canada)
- Engr. Gareth Thomas, The MathWorks (USA/The Netherlands)
- Prof. Dániel Varró, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
* V e n u e *
The University of Antwerp in the vibrant harbour city of Antwerp, Belgium.
As befits a Belgian city, chocolates, beer, and fries are abundantl
* R e g i s t r a t i o n *
The registration is open to everyone with a Computer Science/Engineering
Due to the intense nature of the hands-on sessions, only a limited number
of places are available.
For more details please:
- consult the website http://dsm-tp.org and pre-register using the online
- send any questions you may have to Bart.Meyers at uantwerpen.be
with subject: "DSM-TP: Information Request"
* P o s t e r S e s s i o n *
During the event, the participants will have the opportunity to present a
poster to discuss their work, receive feedback and suggestions from the PC
and peers.
* C e r t i f i c a t e a n d E C T S C r e d i t s *
A certificate of attendance will be provided (participation in all sessions
is required). Upon request, students can be formally evaluated (including
assignments to be submitted after the Summer School) and may earn the
equivalent of 3 ECTS credits. These will need to be approved by
your university (do contact your local Erasmus coordinator for information
about the procedure to follow).
Assistant Professor.
Departamento de Informática
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Quinta da Torre, 2829 -516 CAPARICA, PORTUGAL
Phone: +351 21 294 85 36 (ext. 10712)
or Phone: +351 21 294 83 00 (ext. 10712)
Fax: +351 21 2948541
Homepage: https://sites.google.com/site/vascoamaral/
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