[ecoop-info] Summer School MDD4DRES 2014 : Call for Posters (Work in Progress and Tool sessions)

Benoit Combemale benoit.combemale at irisa.fr
Sun Jun 15 22:14:16 CEST 2014

CALL FOR POSTERS (WiP and Tool sessions) AT MDD4DRES 2014

* Work in Progress and Tool sessions *
in the scope of
5th International School on Model-Driven Development
for Distributed, Realtime, Embedded Systems
Aber-Wrach, France
September, 1-5, 2014

*** electronic submission, deadline July 16th, 2014
*** WIP : http://www.mdd4dres.org/program/work-in-progress-session/
*** TOOLS  : http://www.mdd4dres.org/program/tools-session/


The MDD4DRES Summer School will include a Work in Progress (WiP) session and a tool session on the 3rd of September 2014.

The WIP session (September 3rd) will be devoted, during a poster session, to the presentation of new and on-going projects, position papers and/or experimental tools.

All topics related to Model Driven Development for Distributed and
Real-Time Embedded Systems are invited. Works may be related to  theory,
applications, experiments or tools.

The purpose of the WIP session is to provide researchers an opportunity
to  discuss their evolving ideas and gather feedback thereon from the
summer  school members (lecturers and students).

The Tool Session (September 3rd) will be devoted to the demonstration of
commercial and research tools supporting model-driven development
processes in the following areas: generic and domain-specific modelling,
models analysis (e.g. schedulability & performances analysis), model
transformations, code generation, etc. Tools which provide specific
features for real-time embedded systems will be particularly welcomed.

The purpose of the session is both to provide school participants with
an overview of existing MDD tools, but also to enable tools providers to
reach the highly focused audience of the school.

*Submission Guidelines *

Submissions to the WIP sessions should be limited to an abstract.
Submissions must be made electronically, in either
postscript or PDF format, via the easychair website (see
https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=mdd4dres2014 page).
The deadline for submissions is July 16th, 2014
For additional information contact the WIP chair : mdd4dres2014 at easychair.org

Submissions to the Tool sessions should be limited to a description of
the tool and all relevant links. Submissions must be made electronically
via email to the TOOL session chair (mdd4dres at gmail.com).
The deadline for submissions is July 16th, 2014. Notification  of accepted submission
will be e-mailed as soon as a decision is made.

For additional information contact the TOOL session chair : mdd4dres at gmail.com

Don't forget to also check the program of the MDD4DRES school:
(please see http://www.mdd4dres.org/program/ for details)

“Topic: MDD and Cyber Physical Systems”, Bran Selic - Malina Software Corp., Canada
“Topic: Model Driven Development Roadmap”, Robert France - Colorado State University, USA
“Topic: Feedbacks on System Engineering”, Jean Louis Voirin – Thales, France
“Topic: Modeling needs in industry and open-source strategy”, F. Bordeleau - Ericsson, Canada “Topic: Metamodelling ”, Pierre Alain Muller - University of Haute-Alsace, France
"Topic: Multi-paradigm modeling", Hans Vangheluwe -  McGill University, Canada
“Topic: MDE for Internet of Things”, Jean Marc Jézéquel - IRISA, France
“Topic: Variability and Common Variability Language”, Oystein Haugen - SINTEF, Norway
“Topic: MDD tooling”, Ed Merks - Itemis, Germany.
“Topic: Model-based testing”, Arnaud Cuccuru, Christophe Gaston - CEA-LIST, France
“Topic: Scheduling or Performance Analysis”, Marco DiNatale - University of Pisa, Italy
“Topic: Model-driven security”, Marina Egea - ATOS, Spain
“Topic: Safety analysis”, Bernhard Schätz - Fortiss, Germany
“Topic: Model of Computation and CPS systems”, Gabor Karsai - Vanderbilt University, USA
"Topic: Modelica modeling", Peter Fritzson - Linköping University, Sweden

Benoit Combemale

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