[ecoop-info] MobiQuitous 2014 Call for Workshops and Competitions

Pei Zhang peizhang at cmu.edu
Mon Mar 24 05:20:03 CET 2014

Dear Colleagues, 
I would like to draw your attention to the MobiQuitous 2014 Call for Workshops and Call for Competitions

For detailed call please visit the respective webpages at:

Call for Workshops
	• Submission deadline: April 20, 2014

Call for Competitions
	• Submission deadline: May 1, 2014

Call for Workshop Proposals

MobiQuitous 2014 invites proposals for workshops of the 2014 International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services, in cooperation with ACM SIGAPP, SIGBED.
We are soliciting workshop proposals on any topic of relevance to Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing. All workshops will be held on December 2nd or 5th, 2014.
Workshops are a great opportunity for community building and a forum for attendees with common interests. Accepted workshop papers are included in the adjunct proceedings of the Mobiquitous Conference and will be accessible via the ACM digital library.  
Pre-proposal Submission Inquiries
Should you wish to discuss ideas for a workshop proposal, feel free to contact the Workshop chairs at workshops at mobiquitous.org.
Workshop Proposal Content
The proposal should be prepared as a document of no more than 4 pages in the official ACM proceedings format – tighter alternate style (Word, Latex), and must in addition include a Call for Papers. It must describe the topic, rationale and objectives for the workshop, the organizers’ backgrounds and bio, an estimate of expected attendance, in the case of follow-up workshops: statistics from any previously held workshops and a detailed plan (timeline) for conducting the workshop (including any plans for pre-workshop preparation and/or post-workshop follow up). 
Workshop Selection Process        
Workshops will be reviewed by a jury of experts who will consider several factors, including:
	• The potential for the topic of the workshop to generate stimulating discussions and useful results.
	• The expected interest of the community in the workshop topic.
	• The quality, organization and plan described in the workshop proposal.
	• Relevance to the main conference.
	• In the case of multiple submissions on similar topics, organizers may be encouraged to merge them.
Workshop Organizers' Responsibilities
The organizers of each workshop are expected to:
	• Publicize the workshop with a call for participation via the MobiQuitous website
	• Set up a own web site for the workshop containing more details on the workshop, including CFP, workshop format, plans for publication (if any), participants, program, etc.
	• Provide address of workshop website to conference organisers (mobiquitous.org will then point to the individual workshop websites)
	• Encourage potential participants to submit papers
	• Work with the MobiQuitous Publication Chairs to include workshop papers in the ACM digital library and the supplementary proceedings
	• Work with the MobiQuitous Workshop Chairs to arrange the workshop
	• Actively run the workshop
Submitting Your Proposal
Please email your proposal directly to the workshop chairs at workshops at mobiquitous.org. The deadline for submission is April 20th, 2014. The submission should be a single PDF file, including both the proposal (max. 4 pages) and an appended CFP.
Important Dates
	• Submission deadline: April 20, 2014
	• Notification of acceptance: May 1, 2014
	• First distribution of all accepted workshop CFPs: May 20, 2014
	• Camera-ready version of all workshop papers due: October 24, 2014
	• Workshops: December 2, 2014
Workshop Chairs
Stephan Sigg, Georg-August University Goettingen, Germany
Iqbal Mohomed, IBM Research, USA

If you have any further inquiries, please contact workshops at mobiquitous.org

Call for Competitions

MobiQuitous 2014 invites proposals for competitions of the 2014 International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services, in cooperation with ACM SIGAPP, SIGBED and technically co-sponsored by IEEE. We are soliciting competition proposals on topics of relevance to Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing.
	• You have a dataset you want people to exploit?
	• You want to push people to compete with new approaches hot topics in Networked, Mobile and Ubiquitous systems?
	• You have a challenge/problem you would like to see solved and are looking for creative solutions?

Competitions are a great opportunity to direct the interest of a community towards a hot topic and to connect with people that conduct the real research. Depending on the competition format, scientific papers submitted to competitions can be included in the adjunct proceedings of the Mobiquitous Conference and will then be accessible via the ACM digital library.

Pre-proposal Submission Inquiries
If you have questions on specific needs or practical issues for your competition, please contact us at competitions at mobiquitous.org. We are keen to help you realise your competition idea.

Competition Proposal Content
The proposal should be prepared as a document of no more than 4 pages in the official ACM proceedings format – tighter alternate style (Word, Latex). It must describe the topic, rationale and objectives for the competition, the organizers’ backgrounds and bio, an estimate of expected participation.

Selection Process
Competitions will be reviewed by a jury of experts who will consider several factors, including:
	• Timeliness and novelty of the competition topic
	• The potential for the topic of the competition to stir interest in Mobiquitous audience.
	• The quality, organization and plan described in the proposal.
	• Relevance to the main conference.

Organizers' Responsibilities
The organizers of a competition are expected to:
	• Publicize the competition with a call for competitors via the MobiQuitous website
	• Set up a own web site for the competition containing more details on the competition
	• Work with the MobiQuitous Publication Chairs if you plan to to include competition papers in the ACM digital library and the supplementary proceedings
	• Work with the MobiQuitous Workshop Chairs to arrange the competition
	• Actively run the competition

Submitting Your Proposal
Please email your proposal directly to competition at mobiquitous.org. The deadline for submission is May 1st, 2014. The submission should be a single PDF file, including both the proposal (max. 4 pages).

Important Dates
	• Submission deadline: May 1, 2014
	• Notification of acceptance: May 10, 2014
	• First distribution of all accepted competition's calls for participation: May 20, 2014
	• Competitions: December 2, 2014

Stephan Sigg, Georg-August University Goettingen, Germany
Iqbal Mohomed, IBM Research, USA
If you have any further inquiries, please contact competitions at mobiquitous.org

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