[ecoop-info] Deadline Extended - Submit your speaking proposal by March 31!

M2M Innovation World Congress noreply at m2minnovationworldcongress.com
Mon Mar 24 19:12:18 CET 2014

Due to several requests, the M2M Innovation World Congress Program Committee
has extended the Call for Papers period for one week.

***New deadline to send your speaking proposals: MONDAY MARCH 31***   

Details on topics and submission procedure online:

M2M INNOVATION WORLD CONGRESS - Smart Services for Vertical Markets   
Conference & Exhibition September 22-24, 2014    
New location: Marseille Provence, France 
M2M Innovation World Congress 2014 Program Committee is selecting 65+
speakers ready to share their experience and insights to achieve the full
potential of M2M/IoT for enterprises. 
The Program Committee welcomes in particular thought-provoking topics on M2M
ecosystems, Big Data, platforms, connectivity, M2M security... and lessons
sharing of the most inspiring implementations for Smart Grids, Smart Cities,
Retail, Smart Home, Cars and Devices.

Make sure to be part of the 2014 speakers panel to present in front of an
international audience: you have until March 31 to submit your speaking

Aimed both at M2M/IOT Industry players and their customers, along 12+ focus
tracks, the 2014 Congress will cover this year's most challenging trends:
How to move from M2M approach to the expanded IoT services? How to turn the
big data power into actionable knowledge? How to move from a fragmented
market to consistent connected devices ecosystems? 
Among this year's focus tracks:
- Connected Life: connecting Cities, Cars and Homes
- Utilities: toward more intelligent applications
- Retail: innovation at all levels
- Internet of Things: moving from vision to real business case
- M2M/IoT Platforms: toward more flexibility, openness, integration...
- Big Data: new tools, new business practices
- M2M Security: addressing it at all steps

We also welcome suggestions for other topics that presenters feel qualified
to address.

M2M Innovation World Congress is part of World Smart Week, a key global
meeting for the ICT stakeholders maximizing synergies between
contactless/mobile, M2M, e-ID and digital security industries. 
Under one roof 1700 participants from 65 countries are expected to attend
the co-located conferences of World Smart Week - www.worldsmartweek.com: 
- NFC World Congress -
- M2M Innovation World Congress -

- World e-ID Congress-
- Chip to Cloud Security Forum -

Thank you to forward to colleagues you think to be interested.
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93100 Montreuil - France - www.strategiestm.com -
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