[ecoop-info] CFP for IEEEE Big Data Service 2015

jerry gao gaojerryg at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 22 05:28:39 CEST 2014



IEEE International Conference on Big Data Computing Service and Applications will be held in San Francisco Bay, USA, 3/30-4/2, 2015. 

- URL: http://www.big-dataservice.net/

Important Date: 
Abstract submission:11/24/2014
Full paper submission: 11/30/2014
Notification: 12/30/2015
Final Camera Version: 1/15/2015
Paper Registration: 1/15/2015 
Conference: 3/30/2015-4/02/2015

Big-Data computing and services receives significant attention recently. The IEEE BigDataService2015 aims to provide a platform for researchers and practitioners to exchange innovative ideas, latest research results, as well as practice experience and lessons on this topic. Its major objectives includebig-data applications in various domains such as healthcare, business and financing, education and learning, social networks and media, smart environment, sensors and Internet of things as well as technology aspects such as computing services and architecture, modeling, data mining and analytics, and databases. The conference program will consists of both research tracks and application tracks. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following tracks. The conference will be held together with other IEEE Conferences SOSE and Mobile Cloud.

Big Data research tracks:
	* Computing and Services
	* Modeling, sharing technologies & platforms
	* Databases, frameworks, and technologies
	* Analytics, intelligence and knowledge engineering
	* Data center enabled technologies
	* Sensing& Internet of Things
	* Networking and social networks
	* Security and services

Big Data domain application tracks:
	* Energy and environment applications
	* Bio-medical and healthcare services
	* Smart city, transportation, and tourism
	* Education and learning
	* Business, finance, and management
	* Library and information banking
	* Social, media,  and government
	* Climate change and Earth Data
Paper Submission: All papers should be prepared using the IEEE format, and submitted to the URL below.
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ieeebigdataservice20).Research/survey papers have the page limited to 10 pages, experience/industry papers are limited to 6 pages.

All accepted papers will be published in IEEE BigDataService Proceedings by IEEE Computer Society Press(EI-Index) and included in IEEE Digital Library. Selected papers (extended versions) will be published in selected journals (SCI-Index).Conference Chairs:
Ivan Stojmenovic, University of Ottawa, Canada
Wei-Tek Tsai, Arizona State University, USA
PC Chairs:
Longbing Cao. University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Jerry Gao, San Jose State University, USA (jerry.gao at sjsu.edu)
Shui Yu   Deakin University, Australia
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