[ecoop-info] CFP: 7th International Workshop on Managing Technical Debt (MTD 2015) at ICSME

Paris Avgeriou paris at cs.rug.nl
Wed Apr 1 13:42:54 CEST 2015

Seventh International Workshop on Managing Technical Debt (MTD 2015)

October 2^nd 2015, Bremen, Germany, in conjunction with ICSME 2015


Delivering complex, large-scale systems faces the ongoing challenge of 
how best to balance rapid deployment with long-term value. Theoretical 
foundations and empirical evidence for analyzing and optimizing short- 
term versus long-term goals in large-scale projects are needed. From the 
original description—“not quite right code, which we postpone making 
right”—various people have used the metaphor of technical debt to 
describe many kinds of debts or ills of software development. On one 
hand, the practitioner community has increased interest in understanding 
and managing debt. On the other hand, the research community has an 
opportunity to study this phenomenon and improve the way it is handled. 
We can offer software engineers a foundation for managing such tradeoffs 
based on models of their economic impacts.

Technical debt succinctly communicates the issues observed in 
large-scale long-term projects:

• There is an optimization problem where focusing on the short-term puts 
the long-term into economic and technical jeopardy.

• Design shortcuts can give the perception of success until their 
consequences start slowing projects down.

• Software development decisions, especially architectural ones, must be 
actively managed and continuously analyzed quantitatively as they incur 
cost, value, and debt.

Yet many questions remain open, such as

• What is the lifecycle of technical debt?

• How is technical debt related to evolution and maintenance activities?

• How can information about technical debt be empirically collected for 
developing conceptual models?

• What metrics need to be collected so that key measurement and pay-off 
analysis can be conducted?

• How can technical debt be visualized and analyzed?

• How should we manage technical debt incurred by external business 
constraints such as acquisitions and market ecosystems?

• How can we assign business value to intrinsic qualities (e.g., 
cohesion and coupling)?

• How do we manage dependencies between different items of technical debt?

• How can we create traces between technical debt items and other 
software engineering artifacts?

• How we can quantify costs and benefits of refactorings?

• What are the right tools for managing technical debt?

• How can we apply financial theories to manage technical debt?

• How can we benchmark the tools that identify and measure technical debt?


We seek papers on practical experience with technical debt and 
approaches that attempt to answer these questions. All submitted papers 
must conform to the IEEE Conference Publishing Services (CPS) formatting 
instructions, and must not exceed 8 pages for all text, inclusive of 
figures, tables, and appendices, with up to one additional page for 
references only. All submissions must be in PDF. Submit your paper 
electronically via EasyChair 
(https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=mtd15). We invite submissions 
of papers in the following categories:

• Research papers, describing innovative and significant original 
research in the field

• Industrial papers, describing industrial experience, case studies, 
challenges, problems, and solutions

In either category, we look for long papers (8 pages), describing mature 
results, and short papers (4 pages), describing emerging results and 
future trends.


·Paper submissions: June 12, 2015

·Notification of authors: July 3, 2015

·Camera-ready copies:July 24, 2015

·Workshop: October 2nd, 2015


Neil Ernst, Software Engineering Institute, USA

Paris Avgeriou, University of Groningen, the Netherlands

Philippe Kruchten, University of British Columbia, Canada

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