[ecoop-info] CFP - International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Systems (CTS 2015)

Jameela Al-Jaroodi jaljaroodi at gmail.com
Fri Feb 27 17:34:12 CET 2015

[Sorry if you get multiple copies of this message]

                                    Final Call For Papers

                          The 2015 International Conference on
              Collaboration Technologies and Systems (CTS 2015)
                                         June 01-05, 2015
                            The Westin Atlanta Airport Hotel
                                     Atlanta, Georgia, USA
           http://cts2015.cisedu.info , http://cisedu.us/rp/cts15

                       In Cooperation with the ACM, IEEE, IFIP

        Main Track Paper Submission Deadline: February 23, 2015 [Passed]

However the following tracks have pending deadlines between 23 February to
March 05, 2015  - Please check the specific track of interest for more

*02. Big Data and Data Analytics in Collaboration * (*BDDAC 2015

*03. Security in Collaboration Technologies and Systems  *(*SECOTS 2015

01. *Cloud Services and Web 2.0 Technologies for Collaboration* (*CSWC 2015

02. *Knowledge Management and Collaboration * (*KMC 2015)

04. *Semantic Technologies for Information-Integrated Collaboration * (*STIIC

05. *Mobile Systems and Sensors Networks for* *Collaboration *(*MSSNC 2015

06. *Multi-Agent Systems and Collaborative Technologies * (*I-MASC 2015

07. *Collaborative Robots and Human Robot Interaction * (*CR-HRI 2015

09*. Collaboration and e-Learning * (*Ce-Learning 2015

10. *Collaboration Technologies and Systems in Healthcare & Biomedical
Fields * (*CoHeB 2015

14. *Collaboration in Virtual Environments* (*CoVE 2015

18. *Collaboration and Gaming* (*CoGames 2015

19. *Collaboration in Logistics Informatics, Planning & Services* (*CLIPS

*01. Intelligent Cooperative Driving, and Autonomous Connected Vehicles
(ICD&ACV 2015

03. *P2P and Cloud Collaborative Systems and Virtual Worlds (P2PCS 2015

   Follow us on Twitter:    @CTS_Conference
   Spread the news:           # CTSConf15
   FaceBook:                    https://www.facebook.com/cts15

Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version of
their work for a special issue in an ISI Journal.

CTS Proceedings are published in IEEEXPLORE and indexed by all major
indexing services including SCOPUS, EI, SCI, dblp, etc.

You are cordially invited to participate in this international conference
through paper submission, a workshop or a special session organization, a
tutorial, an invited speech, a demo, a poster, an exhibit, a panel
discussion, a doctoral dissertation, whichever sounds more appropriate and
convenient to you.

The conference will include invited presentations by experts from academia,
industry, and government as well as contributed paper presentations
describing original work on the current state of research in collaboration
technologies, collaboration systems, social networks, virtual worlds, and
related issues. There will also be tutorial sessions, symposia, workshops,
special sessions, demos, posters, panel discussions, doctoral colloquium,
and exhibits. Conference sponsorships are welcomed.

In addition to the main track, the conference will have many refereed
archived symposia, workshops and special sessions: Please see
http://cts2015.cisedu.info/2-conference/cts-2015-workshops, and

Important Dates:

Main Track Paper and Poster Extended Deadline - February 23, 2015
 Tutorial/Demo/Panel Proposal Deadline -------------- February 27, 2015
 Notification of Acceptance --------------------------------  March 09, 2015
 Registration & Camera-Ready Manuscripts Due  -- March 25, 2015
 Conference Dates --------------------------------------------- June 01 -
05, 2015

For further details and updates, please consult the conference web site at
URL:  http://cts2015.cisedu.info  or  http://cisedu.us/rp/cts15  or contact
one of the organizers.

Please like CTS on Facebook and follow us on Twitter!
Twitter:       general conference handler      @CTS_Conference
                  event hash tag                        #CTSConf15
FaceBook:   https://www.facebook.com/cts15

Thank you very much.

Best Regards.
CTS 2015 Organizers
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