[ecoop-info] World Congress on Sustainable Technologies (WCST-2015): Call for Submissions!

James Clinton j.clinton at wcst.org
Mon Jul 20 00:49:11 CEST 2015

Apologies for cross-postings. Please send it to interested colleagues and
students. Thanks!


World Congress on Sustainable Technologies (WCST-2015)
Technically Co-Sponsored by IEEE UK/RI Computer Chapter
14-16 December, 2015
London, UK

The World Congress on Sustainable Technologies (WCST-2015)
is a multidisciplinary congress, bridging efforts across the natural,
social and engineering sciences, the environment and development
of communities. The congress covers a wide spectrum of topics
that relate to sustainability, which includes technical and non-technical
research areas. It also encourages sharing new knowledge in the field
of sustainable technologies and the environmental impacts.

The mission of WCST-2015 is to provide the opportunities for
collaboration and reflection that have the potential to greatly enhance
the infrastructure and capacity for conducting and applying art,
science and technology for sustainability. The WCST bridges
the gap between academia and industry by creating awareness of
current development in sustainable technologies.

The topics in WCST-2015 include but are not confined to the
following areas:

Sustainable Energy Technologies:
* Bio-energy and Geo-energy
* Energy
* Energy in Transportation Systems
* Energy Efficiency in Utilization
* Environmental Issues
* Energy Harvesting
* Energy Storage Systems
* Energy Storage Systems
* Energy Market, Management and Economics
* Energy Resources for Portable Electronics
* Energy Efficiency in Utilization
* Geothermal energy
* Intelligent Energy, Power Transmission Distribution, Interconnects and
* Materials for Energy Resources
* Nanotechnology in Energy
* New Enabling Technologies
* New Materials for Energy Resources and RF and Magnetic Field Energy Devices
* Off-grid Isolated Energy Systems
* Policy Issues on Renewable Energy
* Power Electronics and Energy Conversion
* Renewable Energy and Biofuels

Renewable Energy Managements, Economics and Environmental Impact:
* Climate Change
* Energy from waste
* Environmental assessments
* Environmental issues
* Environmental policies and planning
* Hazardous Chemical
* Innovative use of Renewable Raw Materials
* Offshore pollution and oil spills
* Pollution prevention
* Sustainable waste management technologies
* Sustainability impact assessments and tools

* Environmental Education
* Education and Training
* E-Society (e-Learning, e-Health, e-Medicine, e-Governance, e-Business, e-Art,


Green Computing:
* Advanced IT energy-aware technologies
* Green Computing Geo-energy
* E-Cycling
* E-Inclusion
* Electronic waste
* Energy Efficient Ethernet
* IT energy management
* Power-aware software
* Power-efficient architectures and chip designs
* Component level power management, e.g., memory, disk.
* Power aware networking
* Smart Grids applications
* Technology as Green Enablers (Grid, Cloud, Data Centers, Virtualization)

Sustainable Building Design:
* Building Design and System
* Creative Industries
* Industrial Developments
* Low and zero energy houses and buildings
* New Insulation materials and techniques
* New building materials and recycling
* Photovoltaics and Solar Thermal

Sustainability and Policy:
* Sustainable Applications
* Sustainable Development Policy
* Sustainable Innovations
* Sustainable Technology Programme

Waste Management:
* Agricultural wastes
* Industrial waste management
* Medical wastes
* Mining and mineral wastes
* Nuclear and hazardous waste
* Waste from electronic and electrical equipment (WEEE)
* Waste water treatment  

All the accepted papers will appear in the proceedings and modified version of

selected papers will be published in special issues peer reviewed journals.

**Paper/Extended Abstract Submission:
- To submit a paper/extended abstract, please email your paper/extended paper to

papers at wcst.org

**Workshop/Tutorial Submission:
- Please email your Workshop/Tutorial proposal to stw at wcst.org

**Poster/Demo Submission:
- Please email your poster to poster at wcst.org and demo at wcst.org

Important Dates:

* Extended Abstract (Work in Progress) Submission Date: August 10, 2015
* Notification of Extended Abstract Acceptance/Rejection: August 20, 2015
* Full Paper Submission Date: September 01, 2015
* Notification of Paper Acceptance/Rejection: September 10, 2015
* Camera Ready Paper Due: November 01, 2015
* Workshops and Tutorials Submission Date: August 15, 2015
* Notification of Workshop and Tutorial Acceptance: August 25, 2015
* Poster/Demo Submission Date: July 20, 2015
* Notification of Poster/Demo Acceptance: August 15, 2015
* Proposal for Industrial Presentation: August 30, 2015
* Notification of Industrial Presentation Acceptance: September 15, 2015
* Early Registration Deadline (Authors only): October 15, 2015
* Late Registration Deadline (Authors only): November 15, 2015
* Late Registration Deadline (Participants only): December 10, 2015
* Conference Dates: December 14 - 16, 2015

For further details, please visit www.wcst.org

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