[ecoop-info] Autumn School "Processes and Data"

W. Reisig reisig at informatik.hu-berlin.de
Mon Jun 15 14:21:07 CEST 2015

/The DFG-funded graduate school SOAMED [1] invites applications to 
participate in its autumn school on "processes and data". This school 
addresses master students and young PhD students in informatics or 
related fields, interested in up‐to‐date research on the integration of 
service‐oriented architectures, data management, and their application 
to healthcare systems. It will be organized in the form of talks and 
tutorials given by a number of international experts in these fields. //
//The course language is English. //
//The school takes place at Steinhöfel Castle (near Berlin). 
Participation is free of charge (travelling not included), but there is 
only limited space available. If you are interested in participating, 
please apply following the procedure described here [2]. //
//Please also forward this call to all potentially interested students. 
If you have an question, please don't hesitate to contact us. //
//Best wishes, //
//Wolfgang Reisig and Ulf Leser //

[1] https://www.informatik.hu-berlin.de/de/forschung/gebiete/soamed

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