Bernhard Aichernig aichernig at ist.tugraz.at
Wed Mar 4 16:50:45 CET 2015

8th IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, 
Verification and Validation (ICST 2015)

April 13-17, 2015, Graz, Austria


Early registration deadline:  13 March 2015 

For registration, please visit http://icst2015.ist.tu-graz.ac.at/?page_id=247

* Venue in historic city center
* 3 keynote speakers:
 - Mark Harman, University College London
 - Helmut Veith, Vienna University of Technology
 - Nick Green, Twitter
* 32 research presentations
* 7 workshops
* Testing tools track
* Testing in practice track
* Doctoral symposium

About the Conference
We are pleased to invite you to ICST 2015, the eighth edition of
the IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification,
and Validation. ICST is the premier conference for research in all
areas related to software quality.

The ever increasing complexity, ubiquity, and dynamism of modern
software systems is making software quality assurance activities, and
in particular software testing and analysis, more challenging. The
development of a software system involves human judgement and,
sometimes, political, legal and social processes. As a result,
software testing, verification and validation includes testing,
inspections, safety certification, security, privacy and draws upon a
wide spectrum of disciplines, including engineering, mathematics and
also psychology. Verification and validation touches all aspects of
computer science and software engineering research and impacts every
software practitioner.

ICST seeks to meet these challenges by bringing together researchers
and practitioners for a conference that includes all aspects of
software testing, verification, and validation. It provides an ideal
forum where academics, industrial researchers, and practitioners can
present their latest approaches for ensuring the quality of today’s
complex software systems, exchange and discuss ideas, and compare

Organization of ICST
- General Chair
Franz Wotawa, TU Graz, Austria

- Program Chairs
Gordon Fraser, University of Sheffield, UK
Darko Marinov, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA

For further details, please visit http://icst2015.ist.tugraz.at

Dr. Bernhard K. Aichernig, Associate Professor (ao. Univ.-Prof.), IST, TU Graz

(Publicity Chair of ICST 2015)

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