[ecoop-info] CfP: MRI-BP - Robustness injection into Business Processes

Anis Boubaker anis at boubaker.ca
Fri Mar 6 16:50:35 CET 2015

                               CALL FOR PAPERS

                         2nd International Workshop on 
            Robustness Injection into Business Processes

    	   		        http://www.mri-bp.org <http://www.mri-bp.org/> 
                      May 13th 2015, Montreal, Canada
	    At the 6th MCETECH International Conference 


The objective of this workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners interested in business process robustness and in methodologies for injecting robustness artifacts and mechanisms (exception handling activities, service level agreements, compensation processes, etc.) in process models through assistive or automated techniques. The workshop seeks contributions that have used reasoning on process semantics, discovery of process attributes (performance, organizational), proactive BAM models, and process repair and extension, for the purpose of enhancing the resilience of a process model or of the modeling process.

The first edition of MRI-BP took place at the EDOC’2013 conference was a great success. Indeed, many interesting and high quality works were presented and one of the workshop’s papers received the Best Paper Award from EDOC conference organizers (the distinction was awarded to the best paper amongst all workshops that took place at EDOC). We were also glad to welcome the internationally renewed author Thomas Erl who gave the workshop’s keynote speech. Workshop proceedings were published by IEEE (DOI: 10.1109/EDOCW.2013.48). This second edition builds upon previous edition’s success and intends to build and consolidate a community interested in business process robustness at the different steps of the business process engineering lifecycle. 

SUBMISSION: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=mribp2015 <https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=mribp2015>

* Full papers:  presenting contributions that solve open research issues in the filed, as well as the theoretical and/or empirical evaluations (max. 11 pages in LNBIP style).
* Short Papers: presenting work in progress, discussing controversial issues in the field or describing interesting or thought-provoking ideas sensibly argued (max. 6 pages in LNBIP style);
* PhD Papers: describing a PhD thesis in progress (max. 4 pages in LNBIP style)


The workshop will take place along with the MCETECH’2015 Canada

·      Abstract Submission: March 27th, 2015
·      Paper Submission: April 3rd, 2015
·      Paper Notification: April 13-18th, 2015
·      Camera Ready Copy: May 1st, 2015
·      Workshop: May 13th, 2015 @ 8:30am


The areas for contribution include, but are not limited to, the following:

• Resilient processes / Process flexibility
• Reasoning and semantics of business processes
• Ontological frameworks for contingency inference
• Assistive techniques for robust process modelling
• Compensation and exception handling mechanisms
• Process enhancement through repair and extension
• Business transaction management
• Improving scope of BAM techniques
• Business process analytics
• Correlation of events within process data
• Monitoring and exception handling in data-centric business processes
• Process recovery mechanisms


W.M.P. van der Aalst, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Gilbert Babin, HEC Montreal, Canada
Morad Benyoucef, Telfer School of Management, Canada
Anis Boubaker, University of Quebec at Montreal, Canada
Renata Carvalho, Fed. University of Pernambuco, Brazil
Yasmine Charif, Xerox PARC, USA
Chiara Difrancescomarino, FBK-irst, Italy
Hanna Farah, University of Ottawa, Canada
Silvia Ingolfo, FBK, Italy
Abdel Leshob, University of Quebec at Montreal, Canada
Xumin Liu, Rochester Institute of Technologies, USA
Ricardo Massa Ferreira Lima, Federal University of Pernambuco (CIn/UFPE), Brazil
Hafedh Mili, University of Quebec at Montreal, Canada
Selmin Nurcan, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France
Pascal Poizat, Université Paris Ouest, France
Alireza Pourshahid, IBM, Canada
Hajo A. Reijers, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Mattia Saltrini, University of Trento, Italy
Keith Swenson, Fujitsu North America, USA
Frank Wolff, Cooperative State University Mannheim, Germany


Contact Anis Boubaker: boubaker.anis at uqam.ca <mailto:boubaker.anis at uqam.ca>

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