[ecoop-info] CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: SustainIT 2015 - April 14-15 - Madrid, Spain

Malisa Vucinic Malisa.Vucinic at imag.fr
Tue Mar 24 07:32:57 CET 2015


                       CALL FOR PARTICIPATION

                          SustainIT 2015

                     The Fourth IFIP Conference on
            Sustainable Internet and ICT for Sustainability


                          April 14-15, 2015
                            Madrid, Spain

 Sponsored by the IFIP TC6 WG 6.3, Performance of Communication Systems

           Technically co-sponsored by IEEE Computer Society
         Technical Committee on Computer Communications (TCCC)


SustainIT 2015 will feature:

*** 2 KEYNOTES ***
"Environmental Engineering standardization activities in the field of 
environmental sustainability for ICTs"
Speaker: Beniamino Gorini, Alcatel Lucent, ETSI TC EE Chairman

"New Services for Energy Demand Management"
Speaker: Milan Prodanovic, IMDEA Energy

*** 1 PANEL ***
"Green networking and renewable energy sources"
Organized by: Marco Ajmone Marsan (Politecnico di Torino, Italy and 
IMDEA Networks Institute, Spain)

- Oliver Blume (Alcatel-Lucent Stuttgart)
- Beniamino Gorini (Alcatel Lucent)
- Bart Lannoo (IMINDS)

- 12 full papers
- 3 short papers
- 6 work-in-progress papers
- 2 demos
- 4 PhD forum papers

Further details can be found at 

SustainIT 2015 will take place in Madrid, Spain, at the Getafe Campus of 
Carlos III University of Madrid (UC3M). Further information is available 
at: http://www.networks.imdea.org/sustainit2015/venue.html

Registration fees are available at:

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