[ecoop-info] USE'16 Call for Paper (co-located with FM 2016): 2nd Workshop on Usages of constraint Solving and symbolic Execution

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Thu Aug 18 17:28:31 CEST 2016

USE'16  - Call for Paper 

2nd Workshop on Usages of constraint Solving and symbolic Execution

co-located with the 21th Int. Symposium on Formal Method  FM'16 


Full paper submission: 1 September 2016
Notification of acceptance: 30 September 2016
Final version due: 20 October 2016
Workshop day: 7 November 2016

Papers can be submitted at

Papers must be written in English, not exceed 15 pages and be conforming 
to the ENTCS's latex format (http://www.entcs.org/prelim.html). The 
proceedings of the workshop will be published by ENTCS

Topics of interests

     •    Symbolic execution and/or constraints for testing, consistency 
checking, verification, model checking, debugging
     •    Symbolic analysis and constraints for static and dynamic 
analyses of modelling and programming languages
     •    Taking into account complex data structure in symbolic 
execution and constraints techniques
     •    Symbolic execution and constraint solving in the loop of 
design processes (e.g. refinement correctness assessment, model 
consistency checking, symbolic execution for dysfunctional analyses…)
     •    Coupling between constraint solving techniques and symbolic 
     •    Case studies, tools and benchmarks

Contact: pascale.legall at centralesupelec.fr 
<mailto:pascale.legall at centralesupelec.fr>

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