[ecoop-info] ICTAC 2016 - Call for Participation

Announcements of FME events events at fmeurope.org
Tue Aug 23 21:22:33 CEST 2016

ICTAC 2016
13th International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing
Conference & Fall School
National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC
Proceedings will be archived in LNCS 9965, Springer-Verlag.
** Conference: Oct. 24-28, 2016 **
    4 keynote speeches
         A. Leonardo de Moura (Microsoft Research),
             The Lean Theorem Prover
        B. Prof. Heike Wehrheim (Paderborn University),
            Verification of Concurrent Programs on Weak Memory Models
        C. Hsu-Chun Yen (National Taiwan University),
            Petri Nets and Semilinear Sets
        D. Wen-Lian Hsu (Academia Sinica),
            Applications of the Alignment Algorithm
    3 tutorials by
        A. Jim Woodcock (University of York)
        B. Leonardo de Moura (Microsoft Research)
        C. Hsu-Chun Yen (National Taiwan University)
    25 paper presentations
    Banquet, reception, and excursion
** Fall School: Oct. 28-30, 2016 **
    Four 3-hour short courses:
         A. Prof. Tony Tan (National Taiwan University)
             Spectrum problem and descriptive complexity
         B. Dr. De-Nian Yang (Academia Sinica)
             Combinatorial Group Optimization in Online Social Networks
         C. Prof. Hung-Yi Lee (National Taiwan University)
             Learning to use Deep learning in 3 hours
         D. Prof. Lijun Zhang (Chinese Academy of Science)
             Probabilistic Model Checking -- Theory and Tools
The registration webpage is now ready.
We look forward to welcoming you in ICTAC 2016.
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events at fmeurope.org

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