[ecoop-info] Joint Call for Papers: Software Technologies: Applications and Foundations (STAF 2017)

Pieter Van Gorp p.m.e.v.gorp at tue.nl
Wed Dec 7 21:46:21 CET 2016

Call for Papers: *STAF* 2017 - Software Technologies: Applications and

July 17-21, 2017. Marburg, Germany

STAF is a federation of leading conferences on software technologies. It
was formed after the end of the successful TOOLS federated event (
http://tools.ethz.ch) in 2012. The participating conferences focus on
practical and foundational advances in software technology covering a wide
range of aspects including formal foundations of software technology,
testing and formal analysis, graph transformations and model
transformations, model driven engineering, and tools.

In 2017, the following events are participating in STAF:

Main Events

* *ECMFA* - 13th European Conference on Modelling Foundations and
 PC Chairs: Anthony Anjorin (University of Paderborn, Germany) and Huáscar
Espinoza (Technalia, Spain)
 Call: <http://ecmfa2016.itu.dk/>

* *ICGT* - 10th International Conference on Graph Transformation
 PC Chairs: Detlef Plump (University of York, UK) and Juan de Lara
(Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain)
  <https://sites.google.com/site/icgt2016/> Call:

* *ICMT* - 10th International Conference on Model Transformation
 PC Chairs: Mark van de Brand (Eindhoven University of Technology, The
Netherlands) and Esther Guerra (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain)

 Keynote speaker (confirmed): Ramon Schiffelers (ASML)

* *TAP* - 11th International Conference on Tests and Proofs
 PC Chairs: Einar Broch Johnsen (University of Oslo
<https://www.uio.no/english/>, Norway) and Sebastian Gabmeyer (Technische
Universität Darmstadt, Germany)
 Call: <http://tap2016.ist.tugraz.at/>

* *TTC* - 10th Transformation Tool Contest
Organizers: Antonio Garcia-Dominguez (Aston University, UK), Filip Křikava
(Northeastern University, USA), and Georg Hinkel (FZI Research Center of
Information Technologies, DE)
Call for Cases: http://www.transformation-tool-contest.eu/cfc.html

Satellite Events

* *Doctoral Symposium*
 Chairs: Davide Di Ruscio (University of L’Aquila, Italy) and Barbara König
(Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany)


* *Workshops*
 Chairs: Martina Seidl (JKU Linz, Austria) and Steffen Zschaler (King’s
College London, UK)


Important Dates

* *ECMFA*, *ICGT*, *ICMT* and *TAP*:
 - Abstract submission: 17.02.2017
 - Paper submission: 27.02.2017
* *TTC*: Case submission: 24.03.2017

 (case solutions deadline follows)
* *Doctoral Symposium*: 22.05.2017
* *Workshop Proposals*: 15.12.2016

Looking forward to high quality submissions,
also on behalf of the various committees,
Pieter Van Gorp, Assistant Professor (UD)
    Information Systems Group, School of Industrial Engineering
    Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), The Netherlands
    Phone: +31 40 247 2062, Skype: pvgorp, Fax: +31 40 243 2612

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