[ecoop-info] CFW Proposals for IEEE WiMob 2016
Scott Fowler
scott_fowler at ymail.com
Tue Feb 2 09:30:54 CET 2016
----------------------------------------------------------------Call for IEEE WiMob 2016 WorkshopProposals---------------------------------------------------------------- The 12th IEEE InternationalConference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications(WiMob 2016) will be held at New York, USA, October 17-19, 2016.More information is available at:http://conferences.computer.org/wimob2016/ As part of the program of WiMob2016, a limited number of workshops are planned to be held in conjunction withthe main conference. The main aim will be to provide an international forum forresearchers to present their early research results and share experiencesfocused on specific research areas. Workshop proposals are solicitedin all areas and topics related to wireless networking, mobile computing,mobile and wireless communications, pervasive computing and networking, andservices and applications. All papers accepted by the workshops will bepublished in the WiMob 2016 Proceedings published by IEEExplore. All workshopswill be held on October 17, 2016. WorkshopProposal FormA proposal to organize a workshopcan be submitted in PDF or plain text and should contain the followinginformation:• Adraft of the CFP of the workshop (includes title, description, topics anddates)• Whyis the topic area important?• Likelycontributors and target audience• Organizingcommittee (chairs, list of potential TPC members)• Planfor workshop advertising and publicity (including workshop URL)• Biographyof the main organizer(s) (100-200 words) Workshop proposals must be sent bye-mail to the three Workshop co-chairs.More information on the call forworkshop is available online at the following URL:http://conferences.computer.org/wimob2016/cfw.html Important dates• Workshopproposal submission due: March 20, 2016• Notificationof acceptance of workshop proposals: March 25, 2016• PreliminaryCFP to be published for workshops: end of March 2016• Papersubmission deadline for the workshops: June 30, 2016• Paperacceptance: July 31, 2016 Workshop ChairVictor Leung University of British Columbia, Canada, < vleung at ece.ubc.ca>Workshop co-ChairsScott Fowler, Linköping University, Sweden, <scott.fowler at liu.se>Song Guo, The University of Aizu, Japan, < sguo at u-aizu.ac.jp>
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