[ecoop-info] 13th IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing 2016 - Call-For-Workshop Papers

Nikolas Herbst nikolas.herbst at uni-wuerzburg.de
Thu Feb 4 15:36:15 CET 2016

ICAC 2016 Call-for-Workshop-Papers 

13th IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC 2016)
Wuerzburg, Germany, July 18-22, 2016

In cooperation with USENIX, SPEC and VDE ITG

SAP, Huawei, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Google, Microsoft



Poster/Demo Proposals Due:	March 30, 2016 (AoE)
Doctoral Symposium:		March 30, 2016 (extended, AoE)

Workshops:				July 18-19, 2016
Main Conference:              	July 19-22, 2016


* 4th Self-IoT: Self-Aware Internet of Things *

  Paper Submission Deadline: April 1
  Paper Acceptance Notification: April 18

  Keywords: self-adaptive systems, internet of things, 
  smart city, big data, smart home/building

* 2nd DAS: Distributed Adaptive Systems *

  Paper Submission Deadline: March 20
  Paper Acceptance Notification: April 30

  Keywords: multi-agent system coordination; 
  formal methods and languages for DAS; modeling, 
  collectivism, and optimization DAS

* SISSY: Workshop on Self-Improving System Integration *

  Paper Submission Deadline: April 1
  Paper Acceptance Notification: April 15

  Keywords: system integration, self-reflection, runtime self-improvement, 
  interwoven systems, trustworthiness, organic computing

* International Workshop on Models at run.time *

  Abstract Submission Deadline: March 16
  Paper Submission Deadline: March 23
  Paper Acceptance Notification: April 17
  Keywords: runtime models, modeling, self-representation, 
  self-aware computing, causal connection, reflection

* Feedback Computing 2016 *

  Paper Submission Deadline: April 12
  Paper Acceptance Notification: May 10

  Keywords: adaptive, big data, cloud, cyber-physical, 
  feedback, models, theory

* Self-Organizing Self-Managing Clouds Workshop (SOSeMC 2016) *

  Paper Submission Deadline: March 1
  Paper Acceptance Notification: April 15

  Keywords: self-organizing, self-management, heterogeneous clouds, 
  dynamic resource allocation, big data placement

* International Workshop on Spacecraft Autonomy *

  Abstract Submission Deadline: March 3
  Paper Acceptance Notification: April 17

  Keywords: fault diagnosis and protection, robust planning-scheduling and execution, 
  distributed multi-satellite missions, autonomous formation flying, 
  avionics for micro- and nano-satellites, navigation and control

*  Workshop on Self-Adaptivity and Security *

  Paper Submission Deadline: April 3
  Paper Acceptance Notification: May 6

  Keywords: self-adaptive security, enforcement monitoring and measurement, 
  integrity verification, trusted computing, cloud security

*  Annual Meeting of the SPEC RG DevOps Performance Working Group *


General Chairs
    Samuel Kounev, University of Wuerzburg, Germany

Program Committee Co-Chairs
    Holger Giese, Hasso Plattner Institute, Germany
    Jie Liu, Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA

Workshop Chair
    Lydia Chen, IBM Zurich, Switzerland

Publicity Co-Chairs
    Giacomo Cabri, Universita di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy
    Javier Camara, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA
    Nikolas Herbst, University of Wuerzburg, Germany
    Jianguo Yao, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

Finance Chair
    Philippe Lalanda, University of Grenoble, France

Proceedings Chair
    Daniel Gmach, HP Labs, USA

Poster and Demo Chair
    Stephanie Chollet, Grenoble INP Esisar/LCIS, France

Local Arrangements and Web Chair
    Lukas Ifflaender, University of Wuerzburg, Germany

Doctoral Symposium Chair
    Christian Becker, University of Mannheim, Germany
    Evgenia Smirni, College of William and Mary, USA

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