[ecoop-info] CFP: The 14th IEEE International Conference on Pervasive, Intelligence and Computing (PICom 2016), Auckland, New Zealand

Haibo Zhang icess2014 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 17 21:41:11 CET 2016

**************************** IEEE PICom 2016 CFP ***************************
The 14th IEEE International Conference on Pervasive, Intelligence and
(PICom 2016)
Auckland, New Zealand, 8-12 August 2016
Sponsored by
IEEE, IEEE Computer Society and IEEE Technical Committee of Scalable
Computing (TCSC)


Over  the  last  fifty  years,  computational  intelligence  has  evolved
 from  logic-based  artificial  intelligence, nature-inspired  soft
 computing,  social-oriented  agent  technology  to  cyber-physical
 integrated  ubiquitous intelligence  towards  Pervasive  Intelligence
 (PI).  The International Conference on Pervasive Intelligence and
Computing is intended to cover all kinds of these intelligent paradigms as
well as their applications in various pervasive computing. PICom-2016 is
the conference on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing (PICom), previously
held as PCC-2003 (Las Vegas, USA, June 2003), PCC-2004 (Las Vegas, USA,
June 2004), PSC-2005 (Las Vegas, USA, June 2005), PCAC-2006 (Vienna,
Austria, April 2006), PCAC-2007 (Niagara Falls, Canada, May 2007) ,
IPC-2007 (Jeju, Korea, December 2007), IPC-2008 (Sydney, Australia,
December 2008), PICom-2009 (Chengdu, China, December 2009), PICom-2011
(Sydney, Australia, December 2011), PICom-2012 (Changzhou, China, December
2012), PICom-2013 (Chengdu, China, December 2013), PICom-2014 (Dalian,
China, August  2014), and PICom-2015 (Liverpool, UK, October 2015).

PICom 2016 will be held on 8-12 August 2016 in Auckland, New Zealand,
co-located with CyberSciTech 2016, IEEE DataCom 2016 and IEEE DASC 2016. It
aims to bring together computer scientists, industrial engineers, and
researchers to discuss and exchange experimental and theoretical results,
novel designs, work-in-progress, experience, case studies, and
trend-setting ideas in the areas of Pervasive Intelligence and Computing.


Topics of particular interests include the following tracks, but are not
limited to:

- Deep Learning and Deep Computation
- Big Data and Smart Data
- Brain-inspired Computing and Soft Computing
- Social Intelligence and Agent-based Computing
- Ubiquitous Intelligence and Cyber-Physical Computing
- The Internet of Things
- Embedded Hardware, Software & Systems
- Pervasive Devices, Wearable Computers, RFIDs, Sensor technology
- Pervasive Networks and Communications
- Privacy, Security and Trust
- Pervasive Electronic Market Management
- Pervasive Mobile Commerce
- Context-Aware Computing
- Situation-Aware Reasoning and Recognition
- Mobile Data Mining and Ubiquitous Data Mining
- Activity Recognition
- Cloud Computing and Services for Pervasive Computing
- Smart Urban Spaces  and Smart Homes
- Intelligent Social Networking
- Pervasive Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems
- Ambient Intelligence
- HCI for Pervasive Computing
- Semantic Analysis
- Mobility and Multimedia Data Traffic Modeling
- Rapid Application Development for Mobile, Pervasive and Ubiquitous System


Workshop Proposal Due: 29 February 2016
Paper Submission Due: 15 March 2016
Author Notification: 30 April 2016
Camera-ready Paper Due: 31 May 2016
Registration Due: 31 May 2016
Conference Date: 8-12 August 2016


Authors are invited to submit their original research work that has not
previously been published or under review in any other venue. Papers should
be prepared in IEEE CS Proceedings format and submitted via PICom 2016
website: http://cse.stfx.ca/~picom2016/sub/.

Research paper (8 pages) should explore a specific technology problem and
propose a complete solution to it, with experimental results. Demo/Poster
papers (4 pages) must describe working systems and be within the scope of
PICom. These systems may be innovative prototype implementations or mature
systems that use related technology. Poster/demo papers need to be
submitted to the Poster/Demo Chair. Workshop and Special Session papers
need to be submitted to the corresponding workshops and special sessions.

Once accepted, the paper will be included into the IEEE conference
proceedings published by IEEE Computer Society Press (EI indexed). At least
one of the authors of any accepted paper is requested to register and
present the paper at the conference. Extended versions of selected
excellent papers will be considered for fast-track publication in special
issues of prestige journals (SCI/EI indexed).


For any question please don't hesitate to contact us at
PICom2016 at googlegroups.com

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