[ecoop-info] Call for Papers: 11th Workshop on Implementation, Compilation, Optimization of OO Languages, Programs and Systems

Stefan Marr ecoop at stefan-marr.de
Mon Feb 29 21:26:38 CET 2016

                     Call for Papers: ICOOOLPS’16

              11th Workshop on Implementation, Compilation,
           Optimization of OO Languages, Programs and Systems

                        Co-located with ECOOP
                     July 18, 2016, Rome, Italy
              URL: http://2016.ecoop.org/track/ICOOOLPS-2016
              Twitter: @ICOOOLPS

The ICOOOLPS workshop series brings together researchers and practitioners
working in the field of language implementation and optimization. The goal of
the workshop is to discuss emerging problems and research directions as well as
new solutions to classic performance challenges.

The topics of interest for the workshop include techniques for the
implementation and optimization of a wide range of languages including but not
limited to object-oriented ones. Furthermore, meta-compilation techniques or
language-agnostic approaches are welcome, too. A non-exclusive list of topics

 - implementation and optimization of fundamental languages features (from
   automatic memory management to zero-overhead metaprogramming)
 - runtime systems technology (libraries, virtual machines)
 - static, adaptive, and speculative optimizations and compiler techniques
 - meta-compilation techniques and language-agnostic approaches for the
   efficient implementation of languages
 - compilers (intermediate representations, offline and online
 - empirical studies on language usage, benchmark design, and benchmarking
 - resource-sensitive systems (real-time, low power, mobile, cloud)
 - studies on design choices and tradeoffs (dynamic vs. static compilation,
   heuristics vs. programmer input,...)
 - tooling support, debuggability and observability of languages as well as
   their implementations

### Workshop Format and Submissions

This workshop welcomes the presentation and discussion of new ideas and
emerging problems that give a chance for interaction and exchange. More mature
work is welcome as part of a mini-conference format, too. We aim to interleave
interactive brainstorming and demonstration sessions between the formal
presentations to foster an active exchange of ideas.

The workshop papers will be published either in the ACM DL or in the Dagstuhl
LIPIcs ECOOP Workshop proceedings. Until further notice, please use the ACM
SIGPLAN template with a 10pt font size: http://www.sigplan.org/Resources/Author/

  - position and work-in-progress paper: 1-4 pages
  - technical paper: max. 10 pages
  - demos and posters: 1-page abstract

For the submission, please use the HotCRP system:  http://ssw.jku.at/icooolps/

### Important Dates

 - abstract submission: April 11, 2016
 - paper submission: April 15, 2016
 - notification: May 13, 2016
 - all deadlines: Anywhere on Earth (AoE), i.e., GMT/UTC−12:00 hour

 - workshop: July 18th, 2016

### Program Committee

Edd Barrett, King’s College London, UK  
Clement Bera, Inria Lille, France  
Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert, Université de Montréal, Canada  
Tim Felgentreff, Hasso Plattner Institute, Germany  
Roland Ducournau, LIRMM, Université de Montpellier, France  
Elisa Gonzalez Boix, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium  
David Gregg, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland  
Matthias Grimmer, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria  
Michael Haupt, Oracle, Germany  
Richard Jones, University of Kent, UK  
Tomas Kalibera, Northeastern University, USA  
Hidehiko Masuhara, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan  
Tiark Rompf, Purdue University, USA  
Jennifer B. Sartor, Ghent University, Belgium  
Sam Tobin-Hochstadt, Indiana University, USA  

### Workshop Organizers

  Stefan Marr, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria  
  Eric Jul, University of Oslo, Norway

For questions or concerns, please mail to stefan.marr at jku.at or contact us 
via https://twitter.com/icooolps.

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