[ecoop-info] Joint CfP: Workshop Papers at RE'16 (24th IEEE Intl Requirements Engineering Conference)
Gunter Mussbacher
gunter.mussbacher at mcgill.ca
Thu May 5 21:50:39 CEST 2016
24th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference
Sept. 1216, 2016, Beijing, China
The IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference series is the
premier international forum for researchers, practitioners, educators, and
students to present and discuss the most recent innovations, experiences,
and concerns in the discipline of requirements engineering.
This year, RE'16 takes place in Beijing, China, and features a vibrant
selection of 10 workshops to be held on the two days before the main
conference. Please consider submitting your work to these workshops.
Due dates for submissions vary from workshop to workshop and range from
from June 6 to June 20 2016. See the individual workshops for details.
Monday, September 12th, 2016:
WS01. AIRE: 3rd Intl Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Req. Eng.
WS02. ESPRE: 3rd Workshop on Evolving Security and Privacy Req. Eng.
WS03. iRENIC: 1st Req. Eng. for Investigating and Countering Crime
WS05. MoDRE: 6th Intl Model-Driven Requirements Engineering Workshop
Tuesday, September 13th, 2016:
WS06. RE4SuSy: 5th Intl Workshop on Req. Eng. for Sustainable Systems
WS07. RELAW: 9th Intl Workshop on Requirements Engineering and Law
WS08. RePa: 6th International Workshop on Requirements Patterns
WS09. ReViSE: 1st Intl Workshop on Req. for Visualizations in Systems Eng.
WS10. IWSPM: 9th International Workshop on Software Product Management
Monday and Tuesday, September 12th-13th, 2016
WS04. iStar: 9th International i* Workshop
For more information, please visit http://www.re16.org/ and the respective
workshop websites.
Thank you,
Zhi Jin, General Chair
Peking University, China
Xavier Franch, Program Co-Chair
University Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
Emmanuel Letier, Program Co-Chair
University College London, UK
Carlos Henrique C. Duarte, Industry Track Co-Chair
Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES), Brazil
Christof Ebert, Industry Track Co-Chair
Vector Consulting Services, Germany
and the whole RE'16 Team.
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