[ecoop-info] Call for Participation: the 14th Overture Workshop

Announcements of FME events events at fmeurope.org
Sat Oct 8 18:30:40 CEST 2016

               CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: The 14th Overture Workshop
           to be held on the 7th of November 2016 in Limassol, Cyprus
Co-located with the Formal Methods 2016 symposium 

This is the 14th in a series of workshops on the Vienna Development Method
(VDM) seen in the open-source Overture setting (www.overturetool.org).
Although VDM is one of the oldest formal methods to have enjoyed a level of
industry use, it nevertheless has a lively and youthful research community,
which has grown up around the development of the Overture open tools 
On top of the Overture platform the Crescendo and Symphony tools from
respectively the DESTECS and COMPASS projects. Currently the Overture tools
are being further extended inside the INTO-CPS project (see
http://into-cps.au.dk/) as well as in the TEMPO experiment (see
http://tempoproject.eu/) supported by the CPSE-Labs project (see
http://www.cpse-labs.eu/). The platform provides a vehicle for activity in
modelling and analysis technology including static analysis, interpreters,
test generation and execution support and model checking. The growth of this
community has been greatly assisted by the Overture workshop series.

We have an attractive programme with presentations of nine high quality
papers, and a special interactive session on the commercial offering 
can provide using the Business Canvas Model approach.  For details  of the
programme see http://overturetool.org/workshops/14th-Overture-Workshop.html.

The workshop 2016 will be held at the St. Raphael Resort in Limassol, Cyprus

To register see http://fm2016.cs.ucy.ac.cy/registration.html.

A number of hotel rooms have been blocked for workshop participants at
specially negotiated rates, see 
for details.

Program Committee
K. Araki, Kyushu University, Japan
V. Bandur, Aarhus University, Denmark
N. Battle, Fujitsu, UK ((PC Chair)
J.S. Fitzgerald, Newcastle University, UK
F. Ishikawa, NII, Japan
P.G. Larsen, Aarhus University, Denmark (PC Chair, Organizer)
T. Oda, Software Research Associates, Inc., Japan
J.N. Oliveira, Minho University, Portugal
N. Plat, Thanos, The Netherlands (PC Chair, Organizer)
M. Verhoef, European Space Agency, Netherlands
S. Wolff, Terma, Denmark

See you in Limassol, Cyprus!

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