[ecoop-info] Combined Workshops Call For Papers at ICSA 2018

Ilias Gerostathopoulos gerostat at in.tum.de
Sat Dec 16 16:52:20 CET 2017

Combined Workshops Call for Papers at ICSA 2018

The IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA 2018) will host the following workshops:

Title: Workshop on Designing Resilient Intelligent Systems for Testability and Reliability (STaR)
Organizers: Raghu Sangwan, Phil Laplante and Mohamad Kassab
Website: https://sites.google.com/view/star-2018/home  

Title: Second International Workshop on Engineering IoT Systems: Architectures, Services, Applications, and Platforms (IoT-ASAP)
Organizers: Romina Spalazzese, Marie Christin Platenius, Steffen Becker, Gregor Engels
Website: https://iotasap.github.io/IoTASAP2018/

Title: 2nd International Workshop on Architecting with MicroServices (AMS)
Organizers: Patricia Lago, Ivano Malavolta and Luciano Baresi
Website: https://ams2018.github.io/  

Title: 2nd International Workshop on the Social and Organizational Dimensions of Software Architecting (SODA)
Organizers: Matthias Galster, Rick Kazman, Damian Andrew Tamburri
Website: https://sites.google.com/site/sodaworkshops/
Title: The Fourth International Workshop on Automotive System/Software Architectures (WASA)
Organizers: Darko Durisic, Yaping Luo, and Miroslaw Staron
Website: http://www.win.tue.nl/wasa2018/index.shtml
Important Dates
- Papers due: 8 March 2018
- Papers notification: 29 March 2018
- Camera-ready due: 12 April 2018

For more information about the single workshops, please visit http://icsa-conferences.org/2018/call-for-papers/workshops/.
For information about the conference in general, please visit http://icsa-conferences.org/2018/.

Workshops Chairs
- Yan Liu, Concordia, Canada
- Anne Koziolek, KIT, Germany

Social media
Twitter: @ICSAconf
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ICSAconf
WikiCFP: http://www.wikicfp.com/cfp/servlet/event.showcfp?eventid=63338

Ilias Gerostathopoulos
ICSA 2018 Publicity Chair

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