[ecoop-info] CFP: 12th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA 2018)

Elena Maria Navarro Martinez Elena.Navarro at uclm.es
Fri Dec 22 09:57:17 CET 2017

CFP: 12th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA 2018)
24-28 September 2018, Madrid, Spain
Web: http://eventos.upm.es/go/ecsa2018
Tweeter: @ECSACONF2018

Selected papers from the conference will be considered for a “Special Issue” in a JCR journal dedicated to Software Architecture.

SPRINGER Best Paper Award: The best paper in ECSA 2018 will be awarded with 1.000€ and a diploma.

- Research/Industrial and Education abstracts - March 12, 2018
- Research/Industrial and Education papers - March 23, 2018
- Notification of papers - May 24, 2018
- Camera ready - June 7, 2018

The program committee of 12th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA 2018) seeks submissions of papers describing basic and applied research, novel applications and experience reports on all topics related to software architectures including, but not limited to:
- Foundational principles of software architecture
- Linking requirements engineering and software architectures
- Quality attributes and software architectures
- Architectural design, analysis and evaluation
- Architecture description languages and meta-models
- Architecture verification and validation
- Management of architectural knowledge, decisions, and rationale
- Cross disciplinary efforts and software architecture
- Architectural patterns, styles and tactics, reference architectures
- Architecture viewpoints and views
- Architecture conformance
- Architecture-based synthesis, code generation
- Architecture transformation and refinement
- Architecture refactoring and reengineering, reverse engineering
- Architecture-based evolution
- Architectures for reconfigurable and self-adaptive systems
- Service-Oriented Architectures (SOA) and Web services,
- Architectures for ultra-large scale, long-lived systems and systems-of-systems
- Software architecture and the cloud
- Software architecture and big data
- Software architecture and virtualization
- Architectures for cyber-physical systems
- Architectural concerns of autonomic systems
- Architecture-centric process models and frameworks
- Software architecture and agility
- Architecture-centric model driven engineering
- Component-based models and deployment, middleware
- Software architecture and system architecture, including software-defined networking
- Software tools and environments for architecture-centric software engineering
- Industrial applications, case studies, best practices and experience reports
- Empirical studies, systematic literature reviews and mapping studies in software architecture.

For the research track, ECSA 2018 encourages submission of papers describing basic and applied research, novel applications and experience papers on all topics related to software architectures. ECSA 2018 seeks four types of papers for the research track:

- Research papers (max. 16 pages) which describe novel contributions to software architecture research (submissions should cover work that has a sound scientific/technological basis and has been validated)

- Industrial papers (max. 16 pages) which describe lessons learned, best practices from enterprise-scale industry projects and significant experiences gained from deploying or traying a particular method, approach, or tool related to any topic of software architecture.

- Education and training papers (max. 16 pages in LNCS style) that address experiences and best practices in teaching and training of software architecture.

- Short papers (max. 8 pages) that present promising preliminary results from work-in-progress or challenges in a topic of software architecture research or education and training software architectures (submissions should cover work that has a sound basis, but perhaps has not been validated in full).

All contributions must be formatted according the Springer LNCS style (http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-793341-0).
Contributions should be submitted using the online submission site (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ecsa2018).
The proceedings will be published by Springer-Verlag as part of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series.

- General Chair, Jennifer Pérez, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
- Program Co-Chair, Carlos E. Cuesta, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain
- Program Co-Chair, David Garlan, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
- Industrial Co-Chairs, Grace Lewis, Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute, USA
- Industrial Co-Chairs, Manuel Gómez, GMV, Spain
- Workshops Co-Chairs, Raffaela Mirandola, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
- Workshops Co-Chairs, Hong-Mei Chen, University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA
- Posters, Tools and Demo Chair, Elisa Yumi Nakagawa, University of São Paulo - ICMC/USP, Brazil
- Publicity Chair, Elena Navarro, University of Castilla‐La Mancha, Spain
- WSA Co-Chairs, Thais Batista, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Brazil
- WSA Co-Chairs, Laurence Duchien, University of Lille, France
- Local Co-Chairs, Agustín Yagüe, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
- Local Co-Chairs, Jessica Díaz, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
- Local Organization, Norberto Cañas, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
- Sponsoring, Javier García, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
- Financial, Carlos Fernández, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
- Proceedings and Student Volunteers, Héctor Humanes, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
- Web and Community Manager, Almudena Sánchez, GMV, Spain

Elena Maria Navarro Martinez
Vice-dean for External Relations/Sub-directora de Relaciones Externas
Associate Professor / Titular de Universidad
Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Informática (ESII)
Campus Univ. s/n, 02071 - Albacete
Tfno: 967 599 200 | Ext: 2365 | elena.navarro at uclm.es
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