[ecoop-info] Call for Papers for 2018 IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization

Bjoern Franke bfranke at inf.ed.ac.uk
Tue Jun 27 15:01:44 CEST 2017

2018 IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization
February 24-28, 2018
Vienna, Austria
http://cgo.org/cgo2018 <http://cgo.org/cgo2018>

(Co-located with HPCA, PPoPP and CC)

The International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO) 
provides a premier venue to bring together researchers and practitioners 
working at the interface of hardware and software on a wide range of 
optimization and code generation techniques and related issues. The 
conference spans the spectrum from purely static to fully dynamic 
approaches, and from pure software-based methods to specific 
architectural features and support for code generation and optimization.

*Important Dates*
Abstract Submission: Sep 8, 2017
Paper Submission: Sep 15, 2017
Notification: Oct 31, 2017

Original contributions are solicited on, but not limited to, the 
following topics:

    - Code Generation, Translation, Transformation, and Optimization for 
performance, energy, virtualization, portability, security, or 
reliability concerns, and architectural support
    - Efficient execution of dynamically typed and higher-level languages
    - Optimization and code generation for emerging programming models, 
platforms, domain-specific languages
    - Dynamic/static, profile-guided, feedback-directed, and machine 
learning based optimization
    - Static, Dynamic, and Hybrid Analysis for performance, energy, 
memory locality, throughput or latency, security, reliability, or 
functional debugging
    - Program characterization methods
    - Efficient profiling and instrumentation techniques; architectural 
    - Novel and efficient tools
    - Compiler design, practice and experience
    - Compiler abstraction and intermediate representations
    - Vertical integration of language features, representations 
optimizations, and runtime support for parallelism
    - Solutions that involve cross-layer (HW/OS/VM/SW) design and 
    - Deployed dynamic/static compiler and runtime systems for general 
purpose, embedded system and Cloud/HPC platforms
    - Parallelism, heterogeneity, and reconfigurable architectures
    - Optimizations for heterogeneous or specialized targets, GPUs, 
    - Compiler support for vectorization, thread extraction, task 
scheduling, speculation, transaction, memory management, data 
distribution and synchronization

*Program Chairs*
Teresa Johnson, Google
Michael O'Boyle, University of Edinburgh

*Program Committee*
Albert Cohen, Inria
Antonia Zhai, University of Minnesota
Apan Qasem, Texas State / AMD Research
Ayal Zaks, Intel, Haifa
Carol Eidt, Microsoft
Chenggang Wu, Institute of Computing Technology, China
Cristina Silvano, Politecnico di Milano
David August, Princeton
Eva Darulova, MPI-SWS Germany
Evelyn Duesterwald, IBM
Fabrice Rastello, Inria
Guilherme Ottoni, Facebook
Hugh Leather, University of Edinburgh
Hyesoon Kim, Georgia Tech
Irene Finocchi, Sapienza University of Rome
Jaejin Lee, Seoul National University
Jeff Huang, Texas A&M
Jingyue Wu, Waymo
Jörg Henkel, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Keshav Pingali, University of Texas, Austin
Lingjia Tang, University of Michigan
Mahmut T. Kandemir, Pennsylvania State University
Maria Garzaran, Intel, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Michael Carbin, MIT
Milind Chabbi, HP Labs
Norm Rubin, Nvidia
Robert Hundt, Google
Saman Amarasinghe, MIT
Sasa Misailovic, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Taewook Oh, Facebook
Tatiana Shpeisman, Intel
Tim Jones, University of Cambridge
Tipp Moseley, Google
Uma Srinivasan, Twitter
Wei-Chung Hsu, NTU (National Taiwan University)
Xu Liu, College of William and Mary
Zehra Sura, IBM Research

*General Chairs*
Jens Knoop, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Markus Schordan, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, California

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

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