[ecoop-info] PhD student position on agent-based modeling of drones in France

Stéphane Galland stephane.galland at utbm.fr
Wed May 10 15:58:03 CEST 2017

Dear all, 

You could find in attachment a PhD thesis position proposal on the subject: "Agent-based modeling of drones and their environment in smart cities". 

These PhD works will be co-supervised by Dr. Stéphane Galland and Pr. Christophe Nicolle. And they will take place in the LE2I Laboratory (Laboratoire d'Électronique, Informatique et Image), of the Burgundy Franche-Comté University (http://www.ubfc.fr), located inside the buildings of the Belfort-Montbéliard University of Technology (http://www.utbm.fr), at Belfort, France. 

The PhD student position is subject to be funding by the Regional Council of Burgundy Franche-Comté, under the umbrella of the SPIM Doctoral School. 

Due date for the application: May, 31th 2017. 

Date of the PhD work start at Belfort: October, 1st 2017 


Control model of drones, agent-based simulation, semantic model of the environment. 

Expected Applicant Profile and Background Knowledge 

The candidate should have a strong knowledge in agent-based modeling or semantic modeling, in software engineering (simulation, performance evaluation) and in computer programming (SARL and Java programing languages). 


In order to be included in the selection and interview process, please send before May 31th at Midnight the following documents in PDF format to : 

Stéphane Galland - stephane.galland at utbm.fr (http://www.multiagent.fr/People:Galland_stephane) and 
Christophe Nicolle - cnicolle at u-bourgogne.fr 

Documents to send: 

    * your CV, 
    * a letter which explain your motivations to be applied to the PhD student position, 
    * recommendation letters, 
    * official documents describing your scholar scores during the 3 past years (including the current one). 

You could find details on the PhD subject in the attached document. 

Yours sincerely, 

Stéphane Galland and Christophe Nicolle 


Dr.habil. Stéphane GALLAND 
Associate Professor 
Maître de conférences HDR 

Scientific co-Manager of LE2I Axis #3 "Smart Environments"/ 
French Head of ARFITEC "Energy, Transport, Industry, Challenges for tomorrow"/ 
Member of the Multiagent Group 

Laboratoire Électronique, Informatique, Image 
Université de Bourgogne Franche-Comté 

Postal Address: 
Université de Technologie de Belfort-Montbéliard, 
13, rue Ernest Thierry-Mieg, 
90010 Belfort Cedex, FRANCE Web: 	http://www.multiagent.fr/People:Galland_stephane 
Phone: 	+33 384 583 418 
Cell: 	+33 662 274 442 
Fax: 	+33 384 583 342 
Skype: 	sgalland 
LinkedIn: 	sgalland 
ResearchGate: 	Stephane_Galland 				

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