[ecoop-info] Postdoc and PhD positions in the REVEAL research group - Lugano, Switzerland

Michele Lanza @ USI michele.lanza at usi.ch
Sat May 20 12:56:26 CEST 2017

Postdoc and PhD positions in the REVEAL research group - Lugano, Switzerland

We are looking for several excellent applicants in Software Engineering, having a strong background in (postdoc) or willing to work on (phd student) the following topics: 

* Software quality, design & evolution
* Software analytics
* Mining software repositories
* Software & information visualization
* Recommender systems for software engineering
* Data science & data engineering

The REVEAL group consists of two professors (Michele Lanza & Gabriele Bavota), 2 postdocs, and 5 PhD students, all focusing their research on the above listed topics. REVEAL is part of the Software Institute (SI), a soon to be founded center of excellence in software engineering research (see http://si.usi.ch).

The Faculty of Informatics at USI, located in beautiful Lugano, Switzerland, was established in October 2004 and offers BSc, MSc, and PhD study programs. The official teaching and working language of the Faculty is English. Salaries are very competitive (80 kCHF for postdocs, 50 kCHF for PhD students), but refrain from applying if you think that money is more important than fun & hard work.

+Requisites for postdoc positions+

* PhD in Computer Science or Software Engineering
* Proficiency in spoken and written scientific English
* Strong track record of publications in top software engineering venues (you should know which ones)
* Excellent communication skills

+Requisites for phd positions+

* MSc degree in Computer Science
* Good English knowledge
* Excellent object-oriented programming skills

Candidates are requested to submit their applications via email. With respect to the format you’re allowed to surprise us, but if you want to play it safe, a CV, a publication list and one or two references will suffice.

Please send your application package to michele.lanza at usi.ch and/or gabriele.bavota at usi.ch
Screening will start immediately and continue until positions are filled.

Feel free to talk to any of us at ICSE in Buenos Aires.

Michele Lanza & Gabriele Bavota

REVEAL research group
Software Institute @ Faculty of Informatics

Università della Svizzera italiana (USI), Lugano, Switzerland

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