[ecoop-info] RAMiCS 2018: Call for Papers - Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science

Walter Guttmann walter.guttmann at canterbury.ac.nz
Wed Nov 15 10:00:12 CET 2017

                             CALL FOR PAPERS

                     17th International Conference on
           Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science
                               RAMiCS 2018

         29 October to 2 November 2018, Groningen, The Netherlands
                  URL: http://www.ramics-conference.org/
         PDF: http://www.ramics-conference.org/ramics-2018-cfp.pdf


Since 1994, the RAMiCS conference series has been the main venue for
research on relation algebras, Kleene algebras and similar algebraic
formalisms, and their applications as conceptual and methodological
tools in computer science and beyond.


We invite submissions in the general fields of algebras relevant to
computer science and applications of such algebras. Topics include but
are not limited to:

* Theory
   - algebras such as semigroups, residuated lattices, semirings,
     Kleene algebras, relation algebras and quantales
   - their connections with program logics and other logics
   - their use in the theories of automata, concurrency, formal languages,
     games, networks and programming languages
   - the development of algebraic, algorithmic, category-theoretic,
     coalgebraic and proof-theoretic methods for these theories
   - their formalisation with theorem provers

* Applications
   - tools and techniques for program correctness, specification and
   - quantitative and qualitative models and semantics of computing
     systems and processes
   - algorithm design, automated reasoning, network protocol analysis,
     social choice, optimisation and control
   - industrial applications


   Abstract Submission:  6 April 2018
   Paper Submission:    13 April 2018
   Author Notification: 29 June 2018
   Final Version:       27 July 2018
   RAMiCS 2018:         29 October - 2 November 2018


Submission is via EasyChair at


All papers will be peer-reviewed by at least three referees. The
proceedings will be published in an LNCS volume by Springer, ready at
the conference. Submissions must not be published or under review for
publication elsewhere. Submissions must be in English using a PDF not
exceeding 16 pages in LNCS style. Submissions must provide sufficient
information to judge their merits. Additional material may be provided
in a clearly marked appendix or by a reference to a manuscript on a web
site. Experimental data, software or mathematical components for theorem
provers must be available in sufficient detail for referees. Deviation
from these requirements may lead to rejection.

One author of each accepted paper is expected to present the paper at
the conference. Accepted papers must be produced with LaTeX. Formatting
instructions and LNCS style files are available at

As for earlier RAMiCS conferences, we intend to publish a journal
special issue with revised and extended versions of a selection of the
best papers.


   Organising Committee

   Conference Chair: Stef Joosten, Open University of the Netherlands
   PC Co-Chair: Jules Desharnais, Université Laval, Québec, Canada
   PC Co-Chair: Walter Guttmann, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
   Publicity Chair: Sebastiaan Joosten, Universiteit Twente, The Netherlands

   Programme Committee

   Luca Aceto, Reykjavík University, Iceland
   Rudolf Berghammer, CAU Kiel, Germany
   Jules Desharnais, Université Laval, Canada
   Uli Fahrenberg, École Polytechnique, France
   Hitoshi Furusawa, Kagoshima University, Japan
   Walter Guttmann, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
   Robin Hirsch, University College London, UK
   Peter Höfner, Data61, Australia
   Marcel Jackson, La Trobe University, Australia
   Jean-Baptiste Jeannin, University of Michigan, USA
   Peter Jipsen, Chapman University, USA
   Stef Joosten, Open Universiteit, The Netherlands
   Wolfram Kahl, McMaster University, Canada
   Barbara König, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany
   Dexter Kozen, Cornell University, USA
   Agi Kurucz, King's College London, UK
   Tadeusz Litak, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
   Roger Maddux, Iowa State University, USA
   Annabelle McIver, Macquarie University, Australia
   Szabolcs Mikulás, Birkbeck College, UK
   Ali Mili, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA
   Bernhard Möller, Universität Augsburg, Germany
   José N. Oliveira, Universidade do Minho, Portugal
   Alessandra Palmigiano, TU Delft, The Netherlands
   Damien Pous, CNRS, France
   Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh, Queen Mary University of London, UK
   John Stell, University of Leeds, UK
   Georg Struth, University of Sheffield, UK
   Michael Winter, Brock University, Canada
   Jaap van der Woude, TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands

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