[ecoop-info] CGO 2019 Call for Participation

Jagadish Kotra jagadishkotra at gmail.com
Fri Dec 28 23:18:30 CET 2018

[We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this notice]



*CGO 2019: International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization*



February 16th  to 20th, 2019, Washington DC, USA

Co-located with PPoPP and HPCA and CC.

The International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO)
provides a premier venue to bring together researchers and practitioners
working at the interface of hardware and software on a wide range of
optimization and code generation techniques and related issues. The
conference spans the spectrum from purely static to fully dynamic
approaches, and from pure software-based methods to specific architectural
features and support for code generation and optimization.

This year’s conference includes a strong technical program, keynote talks,
7 workshops, and 1 tutorial.

List of accepted papers: http://cgo.org/cgo2019/accepted/

List of workshops and tutorials:

*Registration: *

Early registration deadline: January 31st, 2019

Registration site:  http://cgo.org/cgo2019/registration/

Thanks and Regards,

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