[ecoop-info] ASE'18: Early bird Aug. 3, Call for participation

Marianne Huchard marianne.huchard at lirmm.fr
Tue Jul 31 09:15:53 CEST 2018

ASE'18 Call for participation (http://www.ase2018.com/)
33rd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering
Montpellier, France, September 3-7, 2018
Early registration deadline: August 3, 2018.

Please come and join us in Montpellier, south of France on September
3-7, 2018 for the 33rd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated
Software Engineering!

The IEEE/ACM Automated Software Engineering (ASE) Conference series is
the premier research forum for automated software engineering. Each
year, it brings together researchers and practitioners from academia and
industry to discuss foundations, techniques, and tools for automating
the analysis, design, implementation, testing, and maintenance of large
software systems.

Highlights of ASE 2018 include three top-level keynotes, four workshops
and four tutorials.

Around 80 high quality contributions are selected so far as technical
research papers, experience papers and new idea papers. This program
is completed by tool demonstrations and workshop papers.

- Roberto Di Cosmo. September 5th.  Software Heritage: collecting,
preserving and sharing all our source code (Softwareheritage.org, Inria
initiative with UNESCO partnership)
- Jane Cleland-Huang. September 6th. Automated Requirements Engineering.
Challenges with examples from small unmanned aerial systems.
- Gail C. Murphy. September 7th. The Need for Context in Software
Engineering (2018 IEEE Comptuer Science Harlan D. Mills Award)
- Lauren Herckis. September 7th. Implementation Science for Software 
Engineering: Bridging the Gap Between Research and Practice

- MASES: Sept 3rd. - 1st International Workshop on Machine Learning and
Software Engineering in Symbiosis:https://mases18.github.io/
- A-Mobile: Sept 4th. - International Workshop on Advances in Mobile App
- IWoR: Sept 4th. - 2nd International Workshop on Refactoring:
- SoftwareMining-2018: Sept 4th. - 7th International Workshop on Mining
Software Repositories:http://lamda.nju.edu.cn/shenzy/softwaremining18/

- Automated Formal Proofs for Program Verification (Sept 3rd)
- Let the CI spot the holes in tested code with the Descartes cool (Sept
- Re-engineering Software Variability into Software Product Line (Sept 4th)
- Model your modeling workbench, and generate code and documentation
from your models (Sept 4th)

Doctoral symposium:
- keynote speech by Benoit Baudry (KTH Royal Institute of Technology in 
Stockholm, Sweden)
- eight doctoral students presentations

ASE 2018 is also co-located with the 10th Symposium on Search-Based 
Software Engineering http://ssbse18.irisa.fr/

Online registration is open here:
Early registration deadline is August 3, 2018.

We look forward to seeing you in Montpellier!

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