[ecoop-info] Extended Submission Deadline - 44th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA 2018)
Tomas Bures
bures at d3s.mff.cuni.cz
Thu Mar 1 20:49:56 CET 2018
44th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced
Applications (SEAA 2018)
Prague, Czech Republic
August 29 – 31, 2018
Collocated with the 21st Euromicro Conference on Digital Systems Design
(DSD 2018)
*** Deadline extended till March 15th ***
The Euromicro Conference Series on Software Engineering and Advanced
Applications (SEAA) is a
long-standing international forum for researchers, practitioners from
business and industry,
and students to present and discuss the latest innovations, trends,
experiences, and concerns
in the field of Software Engineering and Advanced Applications in
information technology for
software-intensive systems.
The 44th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced
Applications (SEAA) will
take place in Prague, Czech Republic from 29 to 31 August, 2018.
- CBSMS: Cloud-Based Systems and Microservices
Chairs: S. Becker (Univ. Stuttgart, D), I. Brandic (TU Wien, AT), and
P. Hnetynka (Charles Univ., CZ)
- DSLMBD: Domain Specific Languages and Model-Based Development
Chairs: M. Wimmer (TU Vienna, AT) and A. F. Ciccozzi (Mälardalen
Univ., SE)
- ES-IoT: Embedded Systems and the Internet of Things
Chairs: E. Borde (Telecom ParisTech, FR), I. Gerostathopoulos (TU
Munich, D),
and P. Katsaros (Aristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki, GR)
- SM: Software Management: Measurement, Peopleware and Innovation
Chairs: O. Demirors (Middle Easy TU, TR) and C. Gravino (Univ. Diegli
Studi di Salerno, IT)
- SPPI: Software Process and Product Improvement
Chairs: S. Biffl (TU Vienna, AT), D. Winkler (TU Vienna, AT), and R.
Rabiser (JKU Linz, AT)
- A-BPM: Advancing Business Process Management
Chairs: O. Turetken (TU Eindhoven, NL) and W. Schmidt (TH Ingolstadt, D)
- BDA: Big Data Analytics
Chairs: E. Curry (NUI Galway, IR), A. Metzger (Univ. Duisburg-Essen, D),
and Z. Sabeur, (Univ. Southampton, UK)
- CPS: Cyber – Physical Systems
Chairs: K.-E. Großpietsch (Euromicro) and K. Kloeckner (Euromicro)
- CVDCPS: Consistency in the View-based Development of Cyber-Physical
Chairs: R. Reussner (Karlsruhe IT, D) and A. Pretschner (TU Munich, D)
- EBEDE: Evidence Based and Experiment Driven Engineering
Chairs: H. Holmström Olsson (Malmo Univ., SE) and J. Bosch (Chalmers
- EsPreSSE: Estimation and Prediction in Software and Systems Engineering
Chairs: F. Elberzhager (Fraunhofer Institute, D), M. Staron (Univ.
Göteborg, SE),
and D. Winkler (TU Vienna, AT)
- MoLS: Monitoring Large-Scale Software Systems
Chairs: R. Rabiser (JKU Linz, AT), M. Vierhauser (U. Notre Dame,
USA), S. Guinea (PT Milano, IT),
and W. Hasselbring (CAU Kiel, D)
- SA: Software Analytics
Chairs: M. Staron (Univ. Gothenburg, SE) and M. Felderer (Univ.
Innsbruck, AT)
- SEaTeD: Software Engineering and Technical Debt
Chairs: A. Martini, (Chalmers TU, SE) and P. Avgeriou (Univ.
Groningen, NL)
- SMSE: Systematic Literature Reviews and Mapping Studies in Software
Chairs: S. Counsell ( Brunel Univ., UK) and S. Swift (Brunel Univ., UK)
SEAA 2018 encourages the submission of full research papers (maximum 8
pages) and short papers
(maximum 4 pages). Papers must contain original unpublished work,
describe significant novel
contributions, and provide evidence on the validation of results. In
particular, reports on
industrial applications are welcome. The manuscript should conform to
the IEEE format.
IEEE Conference Publishing Services (CPS) will publish accepted papers
in the conference
proceedings and the proceedings will be submitted to the IEEE Xplore
Digital library and indexing
services. A special issue of a journal is planned to which extended
version of best papers will
be invited.
The SEAA conference will also provide best papers awards.
All information about the various calls for tracks and sessions can be
found at
Submissions will be handled via EasyChair:
For further information contact Tomas Bures <bures at d3s.mff.cuni.cz> or
Lefteris Angelis <lef at csd.auth.gr>.
Paper Submission (extended deadline): 15th March 2018 (all
tracks/sessions except for SEaTeD)
Notification of acceptance/rejection: 5th May 2018
Camera-Ready submission: 15th June 2018
SEAA 2018 General Chair
Hana Kubatova, Czech technical university in Prague, Czech Republic
SEAA 2018 Program Chairs
Tomas Bures, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic
Lefteris Angelis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Publication Chair
Amund Skavhaug, Norwegian UST, Norway
Steering Committee
Michel Chaudron, Chalmers and Gothenburg University, Sweden
Onur Demirors, Izmir Institute of Technology, Turkey
Stefan Biffl, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Rick Rabiser, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria
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