[ecoop-info] Deadline extension: SETTA 2018

Xinyu Feng xinyu.feng at gmail.com
Sun Mar 25 00:18:51 CET 2018

 ********************************************************************* Extended
deadlines: April 23 for abstract, and April 30 for paper

********************************************************************* SETTA
2018, Call for Papers 4th International Symposium on Dependable Software
Engineering: Theories, Tools and Applications Beijing, China, September 4 -
6, 2018 <http://lcs.ios.ac.cn/setta2018/> (Co-located with CONCUR, FORMATS,
and QEST as part of CONFESTA) ******************************
*************************************** *ABOUT* SETTA aims to bring
together international researchers and practitioners in the field of
software technology. Its focus is on formal methods and advanced software
technologies, especially for engineering complex, large-scale artifacts
like cyber-physical systems, networks of things, enterprise systems, or
cloud-based services. Contributions relating to formal methods or
integrating them with software engineering, as well as papers advancing
scalability or widening the scope of rigorous methods to new design goals
are especially welcome. As part of CONFESTA ( http://confesta2018.csp.escien
ce.cn/ ), SETTA 2018 will be co-located with CONCUR, FORMATS and QUEST.
*TOPICS* Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: - Requirements
specification and analysis - Formalisms for modeling, design and
implementation - Model checking, theorem proving, and decision procedures -
Scalable approaches to formal system analysis - Formal approaches to
simulation and testing - Integration of formal methods into software
engineering practice - Contract-based engineering of components, systems,
and systems of systems - Formal and engineering aspects of software
evolution and maintenance - Parallel and multicore programming - Embedded,
real-time, hybrid, and cyber-physical systems - Mixed-critical applications
and systems - Formal aspects of service-oriented and cloud computing -
Safety, reliability, robustness, and fault-tolerance - Dependability of
smart software and systems - Empirical analysis techniques and integration
with formal methods - Applications and industrial experience reports - Tool
integration *Submission* Authors are invited to submit papers on original
research, industrial applications, or position papers proposing challenges
in fundamental research and technology. The latter two types of submissions
are expected to contribute to the development of formal methods either by
substantiating the advantages of integrating formal methods into the
development cycle or through delineating need for research by demonstrating
weaknesses of existing technologies, especially when addressing new
application domains. Submissions can take the form of either regular or
short papers. Short papers can discuss ongoing research at an early stage,
including PhD projects. Regular Papers should not exceed 16 pages and short
papers should not exceed 6 pages in LNCS format. The proceedings will be
published as a volume in Springer's LNCS series. Papers should be submitted
electronically through the EasyChair submission web page <
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=setta2018 >. All submissions must
be in the PDF format. Papers should be written in English. Submitted papers
must be unpublished and not submitted for publication elsewhere. Accepted
papers must be presented at the conference. *IMPORTANT DATES* - Abstract
deadline: April 23, 2018 (extended) - Submission deadline: April 30, 2018 -
Author notification: June 14, 2018 - Camera-ready version: June 28, 2018 -
Symposium: September 4-6, 2018 *Invited Speakers* - Moshe Vardi (joint
keynote speaker for CONFESTA 2018), Rice University - Tao Xie, UIUC -
Hongseok Yang, KAIST *ORGANIZERS* General Chair: - Chaochen Zhou (Inst. of
Software, CAS, China) Program Co-chairs: - Xinyu Feng (Nanjing University,
China) - Markus Müller-Olm (University of Münster, Germany) - Zijiang Yang
(Western Michigan University, USA) Program Committee: - Farhad Arbib (CWI
Amsterdam, Netherlands) - Sanjay Baruah (Washington University in St.
Louis, USA) - Lei Bu (Nanjing University, China) - Michael Butler
(University of Southampton, UK) - Yan Cai (Institute of Software, CAS,
China) - Taolue Chen (Birkbeck, University of London, UK) - Yuxin Deng
(East China Normal University, China) - Xinyu Feng (Nanjing University,
China) - Yuan Feng (University of Technology Sydney, Australia) - Ernst
Moritz Hahn (Institute of Software, CAS, China) - Dan Hao (Peking
University, China) - Maritta Heisel (University Duisburg-Essen, Germany) -
Raymond Hu (Imperial College London, UK) - He Jiang (Dalian Univerisyt of
Technology, China) - Yu Jiang (Tsinghua University, China) - Einar Broch
Johnsen (University of Oslo, Norway) - Guoqiang Li (Shanghai Jiao Tong
University, China) - Ting Liu (Xi'an Jiaotong University, China) - Tongping
Liu (University of Texas at San Antonio, USA) - Yang Liu (Nanyang
Technological University, Singapore) - Xiapu Luo (Hong Kong Polytechnic
University, HongKong) - Stephan Merz (INRIA Nancy and LORIA, France) -
Markus Müller-Olm (University of Münster, Germany) - Jun Pang (University
of Luxembourg, Luxembourg) - Davide Sangiorgi (University of Bologna,
Italy) - Oleg Sokolsky (University of Pennsylvania, USA) - Fu Song
(ShanghaiTech University, China) - Zhendong Su (University of California,
Davis, USA) - Jun Sun (Singapore University of Technology and Design,
Singapore) - Walid Mohamed Taha (Halmstad University, Sweden) - Sofiene
Tahar (Concordia University, Canada) - Cong Tian (Xidian Univeristy, China)
- Bow-Yaw Wang (Academia Sinica, Taiwan) - Chao Wang (University of
Southern California, USA) - Ji Wang (NUDT, China) - Heike Wehrheim
(University of Paderborn, Germany) - Xin Xia (Monash University, Australia)
- Zijiang Yang (Western Michigan University, USA) - Shin Yoo (KAIST, Korea)

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