[ecoop-info] CFP: Industry Track at ECSA 2018

Elena Maria Navarro Martinez Elena.Navarro at uclm.es
Thu May 17 18:45:32 CEST 2018

CFP: Industry Track at ECSA 2018
24-28 September 2018, Madrid, Spain
Web: https://eventos.upm.es/12427/section/11141/european-conference-on-software-architectures-2018-ecsa18.html
Tweeter: @ECSACONF2018


The Industry Track at ECSA 2018 will bring together researchers and practicing architects from local, European, and worldwide communities. We are seeking contributions from industry that share best practices, failures, and professional experiences designing, implementing, and evaluating software architectures. In particular, we are interested in experiences featuring emerging technologies, such as Internet of Things, Machine Learning, Blockchain, Microservices, Software Defined Infrastructures, DevOps, and any disruptive technology that is affecting the way that software systems are architected.

The ECSA 2018 Industry Track will help to bridge the gap between academia and industrial practice by establishing an open communication and discussion environment. It will offer researchers and practitioners the opportunity to interact with fellow professionals and develop new ideas and skills for addressing industrial problems, research proposals, or collaboration opportunities.

There are several ways to contribute:

Presentations. Presentations in the Industry Track are focused on practices and experiences related to software architecture from industry, industry- or government-funded research project practices. Submissions are in the form of two-page extended abstracts in ACM style that summarize the content of the presentation. A presenter bio should be included.
Tutorials: Tutorials in the Industry Track are focused on software architecture best practices, architectures for emerging technologies, or any other software architecture industry topic of interest. Submissions are two pages long in ACM style and should include Motivation, Description, and Presenter Bio(s). In addition to the proposal, at least three representative sample slides from the tutorial must be submitted.
Industrial Workshops: Industrial Workshops in the Industry Track are structured around understanding industry problems and challenges related to software architecture, and inviting ideas from the audience on how to solve them. A potential outcome of this workshop is a collaboration to build project proposals to address these challenges. Submissions are two pages long in ACM style and should include Motivation, Description, Workshop Format, and Organizer Bio(s).
Full Papers: Full papers submitted to the Industry Track describe lessons learned, best practices from enterprise-scale industry projects and significant experiences gained from deploying or trialing a particular method, approach, or tool related to any topic of software architecture. All full paper submissions are max. 16 pages in LNCS style and have to be submitted to the main track of the conference. However, if accepted, they will be presented as part of the Industry Track.


Extended Abstracts, Tutorials, and Workshops

Submissions        June 11, 2018
Notifications      July 3, 2018
Camera-Ready   July 12, 2018

We discourage submissions that are mainly product or company marketing because they do not foster the open communication and discussion environment that we expect will take place in the Industry Track.

The page limit for all presentations, tutorials, and workshops is two pages in ACM style. Submissions will be reviewed by three members of the Industry Track Program Committee. Submissions will be selected based on potential for discussion, soundness, and relevance. All accepted contributions will be included in the conference companion proceedings published by ACM.

The page limit for full papers is 16 pages in LNCS style. Submissions will undergo a rigorous peer review process. Papers will be selected based on originality, quality, soundness and relevance. All contributions must be original, not published, accepted or submitted for publication elsewhere. All accepted full papers will appear in the main conference proceedings published by Springer-Verlag as part of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series.


For any additional information related to the Industry Track @ ECSA 2018, please contact the co-chairs:

Grace Lewis, Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute, USA (glewis at sei.cmu.edu)
Manuel Gómez, GMV, Spain (mlangley at gmv.com)

***PROGRAM COMMITTEE (To Be Confirmed)***

Adélio Silva, HIDROMOD, Portugal
Carl Worms, Credit Suisse, Switzerland
Clemens Szyperski, Microsoft, USA
Damià Soler, Hoffmann (Photobox), Spain
Eltjo Poort, CGI, Netherlands
Eoin Woods, Artechra, United Kingdom
Giuseppe Procaccianti, Vandebron B.V., Netherlands
Gonçalo Lopes, d-Orbit, Italia
Ipek Ozkaya, Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute, USA
K. Eric Harper, ABB Corporate Research, USA
Marin Litoiu, York University, Canada
Michael Keeling, IBM, USA
Miroslaw Staron, Chalmers University, Sweden
Olaf Zimmermann, Hochschule für Technik Rapperswill (HSR FHO), Switzerland
Patricia Lago, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands
Remco De Boer, ArchiXL, Netherlands
Renaud Di Francesco, Sony, France

All accepted Industrial full papers will appear in the main conference proceedings published by Springer-Verlag as part of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series, and all the accepted industrial presentations, tutorials, and workshops will be included in the ECSA 2018 Companion Proceedings published by ACM Digital Library.

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