Ana Paiva apaiva at fe.up.pt
Mon Nov 5 10:31:46 CET 2018

============== INTUITESTBEDS WORKSHOP CFP ======================
=========== Co-located with ICST 2019, Xi'an, China ======================
================== April 23, 2019 ===================================

INTUITESTBEDS [//www.intuitestbeds.org/] (2nd edition) is a merge of two
with very similar goals and topics, INTUITEST - International Workshop on
Interface Test Automation (4 editions), and TESTBEDS - International
Workshop on
TESting Techniques for event BasED Software (8 editions).

The workshop aims to bring together the researchers, practitioners and tool
working on topics related to the:

1) automated testing of applications through the user interfaces, including
but not
   limited to graphical user interfaces, user interfaces of mobile devices
and applications,
   and user interfaces of web applications, and
2) testing of other types of event-driven software, such as network
protocols, embedded
   software, IoT applications and devices, web services and device drivers.

=====================IMPORTANT DATES=============================
Workshop papers submission: 15 January, 2019, 23:59 (AoE)
Workshop papers notification: 31 January 2019
Workshop papers camera-ready: 15 February 2019

====================SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS======================
Papers should be of one of the following types:
-- Research paper (8 pages)
-- Position paper (4 pages)
-- Tool demo paper (4 pages)
-- Industry presentations (2 pages overview and 4 example slides)

Each paper in the first three categories (full, position and demo) will be
reviewed by at least three
referees. Papers should be submitted as PDF files in two-column IEEE
conference publication
format though Easychair [//
Templates for LaTeX and Microsoft Word are available from
(please use the
letter, format template and conference option).

Papers of the Workshop will be published through the IEEE digital library.
Industrial presentations are submitted in the form of a 2-page overview and
4 sample presentation
slides as pdf files. They will be evaluated by at least two members of the
Program Committee for
relevance and soundness.

======================WORKSHOP ORGANIZERS=============================
Ana C. R. Paiva – Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto,
Anna Rita Fasolino – University of Naples Federico II, Italy
Pekka Aho – Open Universiteit, Netherlands
Tanja Vos – Open Universiteit, Netherlands / Universitat Politecnica de
Valencia, Spain

Ana Paiva
Professora Auxiliar com Agregação
Departamento de Engenharia Informática
Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto
R. Roberto Frias
4200-465 Porto
Email: apaiva at fe.up.pt
Telf: 22 041 3318

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