[ecoop-info] Assistant/Associate/Full Professor in Computer Science - Data Management

Coen DE ROOVER Coen.De.Roover at vub.be
Mon Apr 15 20:16:01 CEST 2019

Assistant/Associate/Full Professor in Computer Science - Data Management.

The Computer Science Department (http://we.vub.ac.be/en/computer-science-department) of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel is offering a full-time professor position in Data Management. We invite applications from candidates with academic research expertise in one or more of the following disciplines of data management: scalable data management, advanced query processing, large-scale analytical database systems, large-scale cloud database systems, data integration and interoperability, Big Data systems as well as innovative data storage and processing solutions for interactive data-intensive systems.

The teaching load associated with a full-time appointment includes teaching general Computer Science courses at the bachelor’s level as well as specialized, research-related courses at the master’s level. The average teaching load is four courses of 6 ECTS a year. The candidate is expected to contribute to the development of a new specialization on Data Management and Big Data Systems in the 2-year Master in Computer Science programme (http://we.vub.ac.be/en/master-computer-science).

The candidate is expected to reinforce the research of the Computer Science Department by initiating and conducting research that is related but complementary to the department’s current research. Related research in the department includes machine learning and data mining at the Artificial Intelligence Lab, programming languages, frameworks and tools for distributed data intensive systems at the Software Languages Lab, and human-data interaction at the Web and Information Systems Lab.

As a formal minimum requirement, applicants must a hold a PhD in Computer Science awarded on the basis of an original thesis. The candidate should be able to demonstrate a strong academic track record commensurate with their career stage with a publication record that demonstrate his/her expertise in the field. Expected publication venues include VLDB, SIGMOD, PODS, ICDT, EDBT, ICDE, ACM TODS, and VLDB Journal. The selected candidate is expected to contribute to the general duties and growth of the department including the supervision of Ph.D. and M.Sc. students as well as the launching and seeking of financing for new research projects.

Recruitment in the rank of lecturer is a tenure track appointment which implies an initial appointment as lecturer for a period of 5 years with eligibility for tenure in the rank of senior lecturer by the end of this initial period. Recruitment in higher academic ranks is an initial appointment for 3 years with eligibility for tenure in the same rank by the end of this initial period.

The vacancy is available on the university's job offers website located at https://vub.talentfinder.be/en/vacature/37782/we-2019-002--zelfstandigacademisch-personeel--100--faculteit-wetenschappen-en-bio-ingenieurswetenschappen--computerwetenschap/ under the label WE/2019/002 - Senior Academic Staff - 100% - Faculty of Sciences and Bioengineering Sciences - Computer Science/Data Management Systems.

The planned starting date for this position is October 1st, 2019.
The deadline for applying is May 15, 2019.

Applications should reach us through the website.

The person to contact for further information is:

Viviane Jonckers

Software Languages Lab

viviane.jonckers at vub.be<mailto:viviane.jonckers at vub.be>

phone: +32 2 629 29 67

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